古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2010/02/20 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:MMAN  浏览次数:11554  
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第一章 印度(India)
第一关 丛林地带(Jungle)
第二关 神庙废墟(Temple Ruins)
第三关 恒河(River Ganges)
第四关 卡里亚洞穴(Cave of Kaliya)
第二章 伦敦(London)
第五关 泰晤士河畔(Thames Warf)
第六关 阿尔定地铁站(Aldwych)
第七关 路德之门(Lud's Gate)
第八关 市区(City)
第三章 南太平洋(South Pacific)
第九关 沿海村庄(Coastal Village)
第十关 坠机地点(Crash Site)
第十一关 马都布峡谷(Madubu Gorge)
第十二关 普纳庙宇(Temple of Puna)
第四章 内华达(Nevada)
第十三关 内华达沙漠(Nevada Desert)
第十四关 高度机密地区(High Security Compound)
第十五关 51区(Area 51)
第五章 南极洲(Antarctica)
第十六关 南极洲(Antarctica)
第十七关 RX矿石场(RX-Tech Mines)
第十八关 失落的天诺城(Lost City of Tinnos)
第十九关 陨石巨穴(Meteorite Cavern)

第五章南极洲 第一关南极洲竞速通关视频,耗时:00:07:25。作者:Shaun 'Mman' Friend。

第五章南极洲 第二关RX矿石场竞速通关视频,耗时:00:12:29。作者:Shaun 'Mman' Friend。

第五章南极洲 第三关失落的天诺城竞速通关视频,耗时:00:10:55。作者:Shaun 'Mman' Friend。

第五章南极洲 第四关陨石巨穴竞速通关视频,耗时:00:03:14。作者:Shaun 'Mman' Friend。


Final Stats:

Time Taken: 2:04:10

Secrets Found: 2 of 59

Kills: 33
杀死敌人:33 个

Ammo Used: 428

Hits: 399

Health Packs used: 13.0

Distance Travelled: 20.95km

全部关卡完成时间: 2:04:10

作者:Shaun 'MMAN' Friend on 2009-05-28 in 27 segments appended to 19 files.


I was supposed to be improving my Tomb Raider 2 run (along with making an SS TR1 run), which is extremely outdated by the standards of my current skill level and knowledge about the game, but then XRiku89 on TombRunner.net made a glitchless secrets runs of Tomb Raider 3, and watching that and seeing all the improvements he managed to fit in inspired me to improve my already not-bad TR 3 run for a third time and max it out as much as possible. The Hoff on Tomb Runner had also made a glitched run that came in under two hours, so I wanted to see how far I could push it glitchless. This also combined with the fact that the then-recent Fraps 2.9.5 fixed the crippling recording issues the second and third Tomb Raider games had before then, allowing me to record and play at an acceptable quality without having to jump through hoops and also that I managed to get a gamepad working and wanted to give it a torture test (it passed).

Thanks to all the SDA staff, everyone on Tombrunner, the person who emailed me the Antarctica boat trick ages ago (which I learned about, but didn't use in my last TR3 run, but did this time), and anyone else I forgot.

This run is glitchless (basically, because I felt like it), the tricks disallowed by this category are (the ones applicable to TR3 anyway):

Cornerbug and Flicker Motion: There are many (emphasis) ways to embed into corners in the original five TR games, the way the engine works means you "teleport" to the top of the block it is being used on (although not always; sometimes what happens is more arbitrary and random, like triggering certain things before you are supposed to). Flicker motion is a special cornerbug that allows motion while "stuck" in a ceiling.

Fence Bug, Block and Crack bug: Certain textures seams can be jumped through, allowing you to essentially go through some walls and corners.

Dive Bug: Swan dive into a wall at a very precise angle and you can fall any distance without dying (if there's a wall and the means to get the right angle anyway).

Quicksand Bug: By grabbing at certain places it's possible to go "under" walls and other obstacles through quicksand.

Exposure meter bug: Saving and loading while swimming in the Antarctica levels refills your exposure bar without having to leave the water.

Panel bug: When switches are blocked by glass panels dropping onto it the right way allows you to press the switch through the panel, this is only applicable to Area 51, where it allows you to skip most of the level (although this trick has recently been superseded by a certain type of cornerbug). I don't use this.

Flying UPV bug: In Lud's Gate the right set of actions allows you to make the UPV fly, letting you skip most of the level when combined with another shortcut (useless in a glitchless run).

There might be one or two I'm missing, but they probably aren't especially applicable to TR3. All these tricks combined save at least twenty minutes overall in each TR game, probably even more, which is why the categorisation is done on SDA. RadxxRyan is currently working on a glitched run of TR3, but, well, I'll leave it at that as it will be hopefully be sharing a place with this run on this page soon ;) .

What I DO use are many different cancels and optimised forms of movement to save time, for a detailed breakdown (for the glitches above as well) go to the Area 51 section on www.tombrunner.net although I should note it's missing a couple of things.

As well as taking my skills further I also attempted to perfect my equipment use so that absolutely nothing was wasted, a tactic for the final boss I discovered ruined this a little (more on that later) at the last moment but ammo still remains the only thing I didn't gauge perfectly. The reason I choose London over the Pacific (Nevada first is a given due to what happens there) is because the Pacific has more combat so London lets me build up my stuff a little, and since this has always worked out I've never seen a reason to test it the other way around.

I also segment much more to optimise things and pull off some insanely hard tricks and difficult luck manipulation. Every time you save in TR3 PC loses you three seconds though, so each one has to be judged carefully (which is why many of the bigger levels are one segment, as I can at least finish them within that three second margin for error). This also leads to the annoyance that the PC version has no start of the level autosaves unlike the PS version and you therefore essentially automatically lose three seconds at the start of each level due to saving (hotkeys balance things out through)

Note that StatID's are missing on the first half of the run due to some technical issues, but I at least managed to fit them into around half the run. By extension, you'll occasionally see a few frames from earlier/later videos at the beginning and end of earlier videos (and an old StatID), this is because I couldn't find a way to accurately cut frames and therefore had to do it approximately, leaving a few bits of the video it was original merged with. Note that I did this run over multiple computers so you may find some video quality differences throughout the run. Finally, up until High Security Complex I had the "record" key set the same as the "lower draw distance" key by mistake (I thought it was a recording issue or something), so the draw distance is a bit lower than its supposed to be in a couple of videos.

Now the level comments I list the name (and where the segment goes up to in segmented levels), part (video to download), the segment and the level finishing time. All comments are chronological:

Jungle - Part 1 - Segment 1 - Time: 1:06:

I frame timed things to max this level out; for the PC version this level is pretty much perfect for a glitchless run as far as I know. The Playstation version can be one second faster due to a geometry difference at the green slope you jump over, seemingly the only non-technical difference between the versions.

Temple Ruins - Part 2 - Segment 2 - Time: 13:21

The jump from the slope at the start is by far the hardest thing in this level; it's completely random and doesn't work 95% of the time, it seems to be based on incredibly specific positioning. The crawlspace shows a new trick I accidentally found; if you press the button to draw your guns you move slightly forwards and can leave most crawlspaces slightly earlier. I also did the level the opposite away around this time, as it didn't seem any slower and allowed me to get the harder stuff out the way first. When climbing out after the two switches underwater I got stopped a little at the top for some reason, The Hoff later found a slightly faster way to get across the invisible ledges than what I used, although it's only about half a second faster at the most. On the way back out the room I use the debris to push me through the quicksand a little. RadxxRyan later found that the boulder can be jumped over with a standing jump, which would save about a second over what I did and causes you to take no damage. I stop a little before the first keyhole, slowing me down slightly.

At the top of the pool room I stop just before making a jump to the boulder instead of continuing a running jump like I was supposed to, although the position meant I might have run off anyway. I made one wall bash in the block maze, but the rest was far better than usual, plus the fact I sprinted before made up for it. At the ceiling trap I landed bad and got a tiny stumble, but it didn't matter much.

The first statue blocks a couple of times but the rest of the fight went perfect, and I managed to both kill them close to the ledges and pick up the swords quickly. The biggest mistake is at the end, where I sprint slightly wrong (due to coming out the water at a different position to what I'm used to) and have to turn a little, losing me about a second. If you're really unlucky the final statue can finish you off as you put the last key in. Looking back it might have been a good idea to segment this level, but my mistakes are still very minor considering its length (which it turns out makes this the longest level in the game for a glitchless speedrun).

River Ganges - Part 3 - Segment 3 - Time: 2:25:

At the stop in the cave it's possible to jump straight across to both the ramp and the "snake corridor" which could potentially save around four seconds but the jumps are ridiculously hard. There's not much else, just general optimised Quad driving. Note that pretty much all of the wall hits on the Quad are intentional to set me up for certain things or are so unavoidable you lose more time trying to do so.

Caves of Kaliya - Part 4 - Segment 4 - Time: 1:33:

I realised the fastest geometric route through the maze isn't necessarily the fastest way, and found a slightly faster route due to cutting out a long crawlspace. Note that stopping on the walls in the maze is intentional as it's generally faster than manually stopping. The boss can't be harmed until the room is on fire. By hammering the weapon key Lara doesn't draw the pistols after putting away the Grenade Launcher, allowing a better finish. A little "bad" luck creates an incredibly epic finish ;) . At the start of the next level I jump from mid-air and do a roll when I land to save a little time.

Nevada Desert - Part 5 - Segment 5 - Time: 5:58:

This matches The Hoff's glitched time which was the fastest run of this level at the time. At thirty-five seconds the jump intentionally avoids a trigger square for the stealth fighter, as it pushes you off-course in the air otherwise so you have to wait for it (so this is faster than sprinting). Outside of the climb after using the detonator (where I was supposed to jump directly to the slope rather than the ledge beside it) this run is near-perfect for what it intended. Unfortunately, that's an issue, as, when I was nearly done with the run RadxxRyan did a glitched run of this level that also found a few new tricks for a glitchless run and did the final jump without stopping at all, saving about five seconds over mine even when forgetting the glitches that were used, which is a shame but not too bad.

High Security Complex (To first keycard) - Part 6 - Segment 6 - Time: 10:59:

The way losing your stuff works amusingly leads to me gaining a small medikit here. I use a button that frees two prisoners at once. I segmented while getting the card as how fast the prisoners kill the Guard is extremely luck-based and makes a big difference to the time.

High Security Complex (The rest) - Part 6 - Segment 7 - Time 10:59:

This time I pull off the fall onto the cooker without slowing down. The second Guard kill needs far less luck than the first; the prisoners killing this fast is normal here. I had to reposition a bit when picking up what he dropped. I also had to sidestep at the switch after that. I found a way to fall right at the top of the ladder at the next shortcut and save several seconds; if you sprint off at the right angle the game guides you right into the doorway. Near the end, after moving the crate to reach the ladder, instead of monkey swinging after climbing the ladder you can curve jump and grab straight to the next ledge, this is extremely hard to do and would require another segment, but I guess it might have allowed for a final time of 2:03... The Guard at the top of the room is very random in where he drops the final plug; if you're unlucky he dies in the middle and the laser there does a ton of damage, or at the back where it's slow, he died in a perfect position this time

Area 51 (To rocket area) - Part 7 - Segment 8 - Time: 11:17:

I later learned you can make the first Guard docile without having to kill him, but I didn't need the ammo anyway. After falling into the corridor with a split I found that going left is quite a bit faster than the right, although damage can't be avoided this way. I had to be careful not to lose time while segmenting as there isn't a definite place to save unlike other places I do so in the run.

Area 51 (Really hard jump) - Part 7 - Segment 9 - Time: 11:17:

This jump is so hard, and the rest of the level hard enough too, that I had to segment this level in three due to its presence alone, but it saves me a minute or so.

Area 51 (The rest) - Part 7 - Segment 10 - Time: 11:17:

At the start I jump back to trigger the Guard. In the room where you press a switch on each side it's possible to jump directly to the higher catwalks without having to grab, but it's so hard it would need another segment. On the second of those switches I jumped too late and had to press action to not bash into the wall, slowing me slightly. No, the disc that the Guard in the missile tower drops doesn't open the UFO, a shame as that would be an awesome shortcut. It is possible to fall right on the card without repositioning, but it needs a very precise fall. The rocket fire is safe to run through after six "stings" in the music (on the PS version it's five due to the track having to load and therefore being delayed slightly). In the vent at the top of the rocket shaft I had a wall bash. You can run through the lasers I wait for towards the end, but I didn't have enough health. A sprint gets cut short in the UFO. The last jump to the top floor is easy to mess up; an attempted improvement of this run was perfect up until that point where I failed and got killed there, which was the point where I stopped bothering with an improvement, looking back this run has very few mistakes anyway.

Thames Wharf - Part 8 - Segment 11 - Time: 0:24:

I'm pretty sure this level is perfected now. This is the most blatant example of the three second save penalty, as my actual time is 21 seconds. On Tomb Runner I uploaded a near-identical run that level skips from the previous (instead of saving at the start) that get 21 seconds to demonstrate this. I do another mid-air jump to speed up the start of the next level, like in Nevada.

Aldwych - Part 9 - Segment 12 - Time: 11:41:

My favourite level, and it turned out surprisingly painless to run too considering its length. Note the fact I use a flare while still climbing off the ladder after pulling the block out; the block apparently gives this climb special properties which allows that. At the drill pit trap I intentionally hang a second before falling, or else the drill is too high (the platform and the drill are actually separate objects; if you look carefully later you can still see the drill just below the platform) and when I return I take damage and get slowed down. I stop slightly in front of the power switch. Turning the power on is necessary despite me not getting the coin because otherwise the part of the level after the turnstile isn't loaded after a later shortcut that allows you to skip it.

rr_carroll found a really awesome shortcut while returning from the drill trap after getting the key; it's both faster and, for some reason, allows you to skip opening the turnstile later. The MP5 clips I pick up actually count as two clips, which I didn't know, but it's lucky considering they turned out to be useless and I would have lost even more time later if I had to pick up another set. I didn't think the flare cancel in the timed doors section would be possible, but it turned out that if I took no unnecessary damage on the way I have JUST enough health to survive it. The drill pit shortcut earlier makes both the Guard and the train not spawn at the tunnel before the masonic maze (yes, it does a whole bunch of strange stuff to this level). Inside the train I bash into a wall. At the very end I run too far and have to lose a few seconds on a back step, which is unfortunate as the mistakes before were most likely less than a second. The textures are messed up at the start of the next level because I skipped the cutscene too soon.

Lud's Gate (To the museum) - Part 10 - Segment 13 - Time: 10:04:

I'll admit this is the one segment that's partially out of laziness; the ladder climb is incredibly laborious when retrying. Then again, I'm pretty sure it did allow the rest of the level to be much more polished than it could have been otherwise. This is another ladder that lets you use a flare while climbing off.

Lud's Gate (To last jump) - Part 10 - Segment 14 - Time: 10:04:

At the ladder in the Egypt part if you jump and grab rather than use action you grab higher, but I think it's slower as you have to use the slow climb animation a couple of times before Lara will grab up and use the normal climb. I have to reposition a little while picking up the key off the Guard. In the underwater maze thing it may be slightly faster to use the UPV in the last couple of trips but its hard to tell. On the way to the crusher room I just use some medikits instead of going all the way back to the air hole. The course I take to the crushers ensures they are in the right position. On the way back after using the key I go low in the shaft on purpose as there are some weird invisible wall things around the trapdoor if you head directly for it.

Lud's Gate (The end) - Part 10 - Segment 15 - Time: 10:04:

This jump is extremely risky and hard so I segmented for it, you can also jump left for a much easier version, but it's slower too.

City - Part 11 - Segment 16 - Time: 1:28:

This is the point where I could add StatID's. This went perfectly.

Coastal Village - Part 12 - Segment 17 - Time 4:57:

At the dart trap jumping across on the left lets you not have to stop to avoid the darts. When grabbing to the hut roof later on it's possible to do so without dropping first, but it's really random. There's not much else to say as this level is just general improvement and goes well.

Crash Site (T-Rex Cave) - Part 13 - Segment 18 - Time: 5:19:

I was going to do this in one segment, and made a run around six seconds slower like that, but I decided it was worth segmenting in a level with this much randomness. You could technically call the thing where I go under the Lilly pad a glitch as it's a sort of quicksand bug, but it's slower than what I intended to do (which I found really random) so yeah. Getting past the T-Rex is random, I made of bonus video of what usually happens (and did about seven times in a row here): http://www.youtube.com/watch-v=AzsQ360Q7fw

Crash Site (The rest) - Part 13 - Segment 19 - Time: 5:19:

Shooting down the Raptor is really random and needs the MP5, by my original ammo calculations I had to do it within 20 shots (and I had one shot left here), but it turned out not to matter. The Raptor temple is massively random and the main reason for segmenting, which allowed me to do it without really getting slowed down at all (and in the optimal order, as opposed to the one with the least luck needed). Leaving the Raptor temple emulates the moment I first found out about the flare cancel. Grabbing the bridge is a nice trick XRiku89 found. The Raptor in the plane is also pretty random. There are a few small delays I in this segment but that's about it, and my luck in the Raptor temple and plane made up for it.

Madubu Gorge (To the plug switch) - Part 14 - Segment 20 - Time: 7:22:

The jump at the start of the level uses a special trick; rolling can move you forwards very slightly on ledges with slopes in front of them and let you make jumps that are otherwise impossible, this jump always fails without the roll. I discovered that if you don't delay any moves you can make the Kayak perform the same set of actions every time; so I came up with a sort of "code" that allowed me to do this easily every time and turn the Kayak from a pain in the ass into a very easy ride, as well as being faster. This leads on to the craziest change yet; it might look like it but it's not a glitch as the rapids are also "solid ground" in terms of how the engine works (just set to do a special death animation), so parking on safe solid ground makes perfect, legitimate sense as far as the engine works (this was the only place I could find). This route is also far cooler to watch than the interminable monkey swings on the normal route. After the ladder I do another big route change that is a faster than the normal way and happens to make the return trip more interesting, I intentionally avoid the corner after jumping in the water, as staying near makes you get caught in a current and swept back for some reason. You don't need to climb up at the end of this segment, but it makes sure you're lined up (the jump is tough enough as it is) and gives you a good chance to save.

Madubu Gorge (The rest) - Part 14 - Segment 21 - Time: 7:22:

I segmented because the jump to get back here is extremely hard, and seems to rely on the roll trick I used at the start of the level. I thought the backtracking would be dull but all the stuff I found makes it as interesting as the first trip. After grabbing the monkey swing the turn left is intentional as otherwise you can't move forward. Again, the Kayak ride can be consistently done every time. This is another time I start the next level with a jump.

Temple of Puna - Part 15 - Segment 22 - Time: 2:00:

I planned my equipment to make sure I didn't have to take the trip to the secret, as that loses over a minute. The rest of the level is just optimised. Someone told me they managed to glitch the Puna fight and kill it in one shot, but have no idea how, and it probably wouldn't be allowed for a glitchless run anyway. Be warned that the FMV after this level is really loud.

Antarctica - Part 16 - Segment 23 - Time: 7:25:

The Boat trick is something I was really borderline on classifying as a glitch or not, but in the end I decided to do it; the main logic is that you in some way "turn on" the Boat by using it (as opposed to the switch, which it's surmised remotely turns it on temporarily). There's also the fact it doesn't save much time at all (about fifteen seconds, and half of that is backtracking). Staying at full speed while making turns in the boat is hard; I made a small crash here but it lost very little time. Throughout the level the important thing is to kill the Dogs as they get in the way a lot. In the cage bit I missed killing one Dog and had to turn around for it. The last Dog, that I miss killing, is a perfect example of what they can do, although it loses me very little time here. You can boost on the last stretch of water in the Boat, but I didn't have enough health to risk it. I also had to reposition the Boat before getting out.

RX-Tech Mines - Part 17 - Segment 24 - Time: 12:29:

The speed-up/slow-down parts of the mine cart rides have a big effect on your time (10+ seconds), so it's really important to get them right, which I realised later, this run does them very well. At the part with the grinding machine things it's possible to get through both in one go, but it would require segmenting and only saves a few seconds. At the cart stop after the Mutant part I brake as otherwise the cart sometimes doesn't stop there for some reason. The only mistakes were two wall bashes, there's also a faster way at the end that could save a second but that's it.

Lost City of Tinnos (To trapdoors room) - Part 18 - Segment 25 - Time: 10:55:

The start of this level involves a string of really difficult jumps within quick succession of each other, the hardest being the jump straight across the bridge.

Lost City of Tinnos (The rest) - Part 18 - Segment 26 - Time: 10:55:

I segmented because of all the hard jumps and this segment starts with another that lets me skip the whole trapdoor room. In the room I take the Uli key a Wasp can sometimes follow you up the ladder, which is annoying as it generally forces a restart. I found new ways for every element challenge except the Earth one, which already had a shortcut. In the Water challenge I use the last medikits I have so I don't have to go for air. The clips I pick up there are the only clips I needed. In the Wind challenge, I use a different route in the maze (the guide I used before got the maze wrong), and a really cool (and OCD friendly!) route for the spike barrels. In the fire room I move on the edges of the fire pillars and use XRiku89's method at the fire breathing heads (as well as a jump right on to the mask ledge after). The only mistake was a messed up sprint in the Earth part and a jump too far after using the lever on the way out of that area because I was too far left (which may not have lost any time). The sidestep at the Wind mask isn't a mistake as the door is open a set time anyway.

Meteorite Cavern - Part 19 - Segment 27 - Time not given (End time: 2:04:10):

While experimenting for the last level I discovered that you can beat Willard in only three knock outs by exploiting his attack (the clicking you hear when I jump over) and turn animation (the screen shake), this is a lot faster but it meant the clips I picked up in Aldwych were pointless and lost me about five seconds, this way of doing the boss is about ten seconds faster so it's not much loss. I used one bullet more than is needed when finishing him. You can skip the boss altogether but then the exit is inaccessible. The rest is straightforward.

Final Stats:
Time Taken: 2:04:10
Secrets Found: 2 of 59
Kills: 33
Ammo Used: 428
Hits: 399
Health Packs used: 13.0
Distance Travelled: 20.95km

It was disappointing I couldn't get under two hours glitchless (I could probably break into 2:03 with the majority of mistakes removed, but that's about it as things are). However, I did beat or match a lot of the glitched times on The Hoff's glitched run that showed under two hours is possible. I also managed to fit in pretty much every notable shortcut found so far so I'm happy with it.

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