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Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2015/03/08 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:RadxxRyan  浏览次数:40982  
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第一章 印度(India)
第一关 丛林地带(Jungle)(竞速通关时间00:00:42)
第二关 神庙废墟(Temple Ruins)(竞速通关时间00:12:43)
第三关 恒河(River Ganges)(竞速通关时间00:02:18)
第四关 卡里亚洞穴(Cave of Kaliya)(竞速通关时间00:01:30)
第二章 内华达(Nevada)
第五关 内华达沙漠(Nevada Desert)(无BUG竞速通关时间00:04:25)
第六关 高度机密地区(High Security Compound)(竞速通关时间00:09:36)
第七关 51区(Area 51)(竞速通关时间00:06:32)
第三章 南太平洋(South Pacific)
第八关 沿海村庄(Coastal Village)(竞速通关时间00:02:35)
第九关 坠机地点(Crash Site)(竞速通关时间00:01:25)
第十关 马都布峡谷(Madubu Gorge)(竞速通关时间00:05:09)
第十一关 普纳庙宇(Temple of Puna)(竞速通关时间00:02:00)
第四章 伦敦(London)
第十二关 泰晤士河畔(Thames Warf)(竞速通关时间00:00:21)
第十三关 阿尔定地铁站(Aldwych)(竞速通关时间00:04:30)
第十四关 路德之门(Lud's Gate)(竞速通关时间00:04:02)
第十五关 市区(City)(竞速通关时间00:00:52)
第五章 南极洲(Antarctica)
第十六关 南极洲(Antarctica)(竞速通关时间00:02:08)
第十七关 RX矿石场(RX-Tech Mines)(竞速通关时间00:12:27)
第十八关 失落的天诺城(Lost City of Tinnos)(竞速通关时间00:10:44)
第十九关 陨石巨穴(Meteorite Cavern)(竞速通关时间00:03:11)

第十九关陨石巨穴(Meteorite Cavern)(竞速通关时间00:03:11)

Meteorite Cavern - Part 19 - Segment 31 - Time: Not Given (Estimated at 3:11)

Final level. Once more, thank you MMAN for an excellent strategy on the boss, Willard. Shoot him 9 times with the Eagle, if you hear him make his 'bite' noise, that's your key to sprint for an artifact then shoot him one more time to stun him. Repeat until all 4 artifacts are collected, then fire about 50 MP5 bullets at him for the kill. My ammo worked out perfect. One final thank you goes to xXApelaumXx for the final corner bug of the game. It skips the trigger for the exit gate closing until the helicopter lands. By doing a quick corner bug just before the trigger square, you can sprint right through the opened gate instead of having to wait for the plane.

The End.

Final Statistics:

Time Taken: 1:27:10 (Game's Timer is wrong)
Secrets Found: 1 of 59
Kills: 13
Ammo Used: 133
Hits: 98
Health Packs Used: 5.5
Distance Traveled: 52.60km

A great run overall. About a 35 minute difference between my run and MMAN's glitchless run. The final time given on my game is wrong, I have no idea why. I've timed it several times manually and by using the Stats Screens for each level. There absoultey was no cheating involved in the run. I really hope no one thinks I cheated. If I did, I don't think I would make my run 14 minutes slower than what the game says.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the run.

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