[第一关 科祖梅尔洞穴、第二关 科祖梅尔、第三关 秘鲁丛林(一)、第四关 克劳馥庄园] [第三关 秘鲁丛林(二)、第五关 库阿克雅库、第六关 猎鹰的试炼]
[第七关 隐秘之城(一)] [第八关 巨蛇之腹、第九关 巨蛇之首、第七关 隐秘之城(二)、第十关 山之神殿、第十一关 灰岩坑、第七关 隐秘之城(三)]
[第十二关 波文尼尔石油田、第十三关 圣胡安教会、第七关 隐秘之城(四)、第十四关 巨蛇之城]
11/26 [第七关 隐秘之城(一)](探索)
Document (Unuratu's Coronation): 00:42
Area Challenge (Keep Calm and Carrion) 2/3: 02:54
Document (Epidemic): 03:10
Survival Cache: 03:44
Survival Cache: 04:02
Mural (Viracocha): 04:35
Mural (Deadly Earth Mother): 06:20
Area Challenge (Keep Calm and Carrion) 3/3: 10:15
Area Challenge (Changing the Weather) 1/5: 10:20
Area Challenge (Changing the Weather) 2/5: 13:00
Mural (First Contact): 13:10
Area Challenge (Changing the Weather) 3/5: 13:58
Area Challenge (Changing the Weather) 4/5: 14:12
Survival Cache: 16:24
Relic (Ceremonial Pipe): 16:42
Survival Cache: 21:16
Relic (Chuspas): 22:02
Explorer Backpack: 23:06
Relic (Burial Mask): 23:32
Mural (Shielding the Serpent): 24:54
Archivist Map: 25:36
Monolith: 28:04
Survival Cache: 28:30
Area Challenge (Changing the Weather) 5/5: 29:10
Relic (Patolli Mat): 30:12
Mural (God of Learning): 31:18
Document (Rebirth and Resettlement): 32:18
Relic (Mask of the Fire God): 32:44
Archivist Map: 33:06
Mural (Civil War): 34:00
Document (Two Peoples as One): 34:34
Relic (Ceremonial Torch): 35:35
Mural (Bound to Wander): 36:38
Area Challenge (Dropping Decimals) 1/3: 37:02
Document (Devils in the Dark): 38:08
Document (Contract): 39:18
Document (Disease and Death): 40:18
Archivist Map: 40:52
Document (Journal of T.Serrano): 41:02
Document (The Monkey Twins): 43:22
Mural (Mirrors): 44:14
Mural (Temple of the Sun): 45:35
Optional Challenge Tomb (Temple of the Sun): 16:15
Document (The Paddler Gods): 47:32
Survival Cache: 48:16
Mural (Fertility God): 51:52
Tomb Secret: 53:36
Area Challenge (High Diving) 3/4: 55:34
Survival Cache: 57:55
12/26 [第七关 隐秘之城(一)](探索)
Relic (Dismantled Radio): 00:18
Relic (Incense Burner): 01:36
Mural (Silver-Crowned Mountain): 01:56
Area Challenge (Dropping Decimals) 2/3: 03:32
Relic (Beast Effigy): 08:16
Explorer Backpack: 08:52
Survival Cache: 10:16
Optional Challenge Tomb (Warrior's Trial): 11:42
Survival Cache: 11:52
Mural (Mother Deity): 13:04
Survival Cache: 14:56
Document (Warriors of Kukulkan): 15:38
Mural (Path of Battle): 16:42
Tomb Treasure: 20:10
Survival Cache: 20:56
Document (Warning): 23:14
Crypt: 24:05
Relic (Arrow): 24:16
Document (More Questions): 24:54
Mural (Ollanta, The Potter): 26:36
Document (Merchant Sacrifice): 27:02
Archivist Map: 28:06
Crypt Treasure: 28:45
Area Challenge (High Diving) 4/4: 30:05
13/26 [第七关 隐秘之城(一)](探索)
Survival Cache: 01:38
Survival Cache: 05:20
Mural (Founding of Paititi): 05:36
Mural (Birth): 07:36
Document (Journal of T.Serrano 4): 08:10
Explorer Backpack: 09:05
Survival Cache: 09:22
Relic (Ch'arki and Chunos): 09:55
Survival Cache: 10:26
Monolith: 11:12
Document (El Dorado): 13:10
Explorer Backpack: 13:42
Survival Cache: 14:20
Relic (Metatl): 14:42
Document (Journal of T.Serrano 3): 16:06
Relic (Urpu): 18:52
Monolith: 19:12
Relic (Plastic Penguin): 19:38
Monolith: 22:22
Survival Cache: 24:36
Document (The First Emperor): 25:44
Side Mission (Find Takiy's Dice): 28:02
Monolith: 29:16
Treasure Chest: 44:10
Area Challenge (Dropping Decimals): 47:14
14/26 [第七关 隐秘之城(一)](接上) [第八关 巨蛇之腹 ] [第九关 巨蛇之首] [第七关 隐秘之城(二)](到达“乌努拉图的家”大本营)
Document (Expedition Report): 00:35
Survival Cache: 01:00
Archivist Map: 01:10
Document (Lopez's Arrival): 01:48
Document (Covering the Tracks): 03:55
Treasure Chest: 08:45
Treasure Chest: 12:48
Relic (Whistle): 15:45
Document (Troubled Lands): 16:32
Relic (Macuahuitl): 17:24
Document (Trinity Arrives): 19:30
Mural (Unuratu's Uprising): 20:06
Mural (Awaits): 24:54
15/26 [第七关 隐秘之城(二)](探索)
Side Mission (Retrieve the King's Horn): 00:10
Side Mission (Retrieve the Savior's Amulet): 11:05
Crypt: 14:58
Document (The Cult's Control): 15:16
Mural (The Peasant Savior): 16:00
Relic (Golden Effigy): 16:52
Document (Protection): 17:16