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发表时间:2016/08/26 00:00:00  来源:“Leon”翻译  作者:Fraser G  浏览次数:11724  
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Exclusive Interview With Earl Baylon (Jonah Maiava – Rise Of The Tomb Raider)

  GameSided recently had the opportunity of interviewing Earl Baylon, the voice and MoCap actor behind Jonah Maiava in Tomb Raider (2013) and the newly released Rise Of The Tomb Raider.

  In this interview, we talked about the evolution of Jonah’s character, the MoCap process, Earl’s background, and more! 

  GameSided: Hi Earl! Let’s start by discussing your role in Rise Of The Tomb Raider. What can we expect from the character of Jonah Maiava this time around? 

  Earl Baylon: Well, without giving away too much, we’re gonna see more of who he was to Lara in the first game: someone on her side that’s fiercely loyal, “I’ll follow you anywhere, Little Bird,” and willing to take a leap of faith where everyone else had doubts… with a smidge of ass-kicking. 

  GS: You were involved in the motion capture process for the previous game in the series. How was the MoCap experience for Rise Of The Tomb Raider, and were there any alterations to how it was carried out? 

  EB: Working on the MoCap was great. Tons of fun. It was awesome to get to work with Camilla again, and all the great folks at Digital Domain, the studio where the MoCap scenes were recorded. What they did this time around was a little different from the previous game, not so much with regards to capturing our body movement, but our facial expressions. 

  The whole setup process was a bit more intense this time around. During Mocap sessions, we wear these helmets that have two arms coming down either side of our face, that are attached to the side of the MoCap helmet. At the end of those arms is attached any number of cameras, as well as a microphone that records all our dialogue.

  In Tomb Raider 2013, there were only two cameras, and the footage was used as a reference for the artists when they animated our onscreen characters. For ROTTR, the camera count was increased to four, and we had all these dots on our faces, which allowed the team to actually capture the movement of our lips, eyebrows, cheeks, and all that jazz and map it to the characters. Higher fidelity.

  GS: Voice actors are often isolated away from the rest of the acting crew. How does the voice recording process work for the Tomb Raider series, and how much of your time is spent alongside your fellow actors aside from the motion capture process?

  EB: Well, basically all the Motion Capture stuff is done with everyone there. We all share space in this big MoCap volume, and run the scenes pretty much how you see them in game. So, everyone is there in the scene. It’s great because we get to work off each other’s energy, and we get to run the scenes through in completion. So, it’s a little more like theatre in that way, except you know, we’re wearing these tight, black adult onesies covered in reflective balls.

  But, for things like pickups, rewrites, incidental lines, and ADR, we were in the recording booth by ourselves. Like all the journals that you can pick up in game, all those are recorded in the booth.


  GS: How did you initially land the role of Jonah?

  EB: Back in 2011, my agent sent me on this audition, and really none of us knew what it was. All the casting breakdown mentioned was the code name of the project at the time, that it was Motion Capture, and the type of character they were looking for was a large Pacific Islander with a giant teddy bear feel, haha. Usually, in the breakdowns, it’ll say what kind of project it is, whether it’s a commercial, TV, feature film, etc. But this one didn’t. So I pretty much went in blind and did my best. During the audition, I asked the auditors what kind of project it was. The man on the other side of the table, who ended up being Toby Gard, told me it was a video game. I was a game tester at the time, and I thought, “Cool. I wonder what it is,” but didn’t think anything much of it.

  They brought me in to a callback, a few days later, which was pretty exciting, because you know… as you move further along in the audition process, things become more and more real. And I’ve always wanted to do voice work in video games, ever since using actual voices became a thing. A few days after, my agent emailed me with an NDA that I had to sign and return in case they wanted to book me. I looked at the letterhead and saw, “Crystal Dynamics” and under “A Square Enix Company.” Holy balls, I was excited. I knew those names. I had grown up with those names. Those were big names in my personal microcosm. 

  I was actually backstage at one of my improv shows when I received the email from my agent that I had been booked on the project. When I saw the title, “Tomb Raider,” I just about lost it. I wanted to scream from every hilltop in a mile radius, but I had to do it very, very, quietly because I was backstage. But wow, it really was a dream come true to 1) have booked my first big game, and 2) to have that game be the reboot of one of the most storied franchises in video game history.

  GS: Has the way in which you approach the character changed over time? 

  EB: Yes. Definitely. Ok. Let me tell you, for the first game most of my process was, “Please, don’t screw this up.” That’s kind of a hard place to work from. I couldn’t help it though, I was working on Tomb Raider! This time around, I felt a lot more grounded. 

  After having the experience of TR2013 under my belt, I felt more secure about what I wanted to do with Jonah. Much of that comes from having the backstory from the previous game, as well following along with the comics and gleaning more of his character from what I found there. And really, I think playing through TR2013 in its entirety, I got a better feel for his place in the group and in Lara’s life. So, I went in to ROTTR with that in mind, and I think it helped me immensely. 

  GS: As a man of many talents including acting, comedy, improv and writing, tell us about some of the projects that you’ve been involved in.

  EB:哈哈,这些年我确实有参与过很多的东西,我想大多数会随着时间的推移而慢慢被遗忘吧(希望如此)。开个玩笑。现在呢,我是一个亚裔美国人即兴表演团队“即兴工作室”的艺术总监,我们每个月都会在洛杉矶的剧院演出。我也为Agents of GUARD网站写博客,我们报道所有有趣的事情。举个例子,我最新的文章是写给龙与地下城的入门级玩家的。同时,我也在给一个朋友写专栏剧本。曾经,我也为一个叫做SketchComedyShow.com的短小系列喜剧团队写过剧本并演出过。我们一起合作了5年,然后所有人都慢慢长大,有了自己的家庭,去读研究生。当时运作得还不错。
  EB: Haha, well… I’ve been involved with a lot of stuff over the years, much of which will languish in obscurity forever (hopefully). Just kidding, sorta. Currently, I’m the Artistic Director of an Asian-American Improv troupe called Room to Improv. We do monthly shows at a theatre here in Los Angeles. I also blog for a site called Agents of GUARD – we cover all things geeky. For example, my latest article was a primer on Dungeons & Dragons. I’m also currently doing punch-up on a friend’s feature-length script. In a past life, I used to write and perform for a sketch comedy group called SketchComedyShow.com. We were together for about five years; then everyone started growing up, having families, and going to grad school. We had a good run, though.

  GS: When did you decide that you wanted to become an actor? Was it always an intended career path? 

  EB: Oh, acting came late for me, at least the notion of doing it professionally, anyway. I was always a performer growing up, piano and guitar recitals, school musicals and all that. I had a Boyz II Men-esque 3-person a capella group when I was in junior high – and another 5-man group in college. What I actually went to college for, however, was a degree in Biological Sciences. I was Pre-Med at the time. I loved performing, but never really saw it seriously as a career path. After college I ended up joining the aforementioned improv group, and then started with the aforementioned sketch group. Then, all the evil people I met there convinced me becoming a professional actor was a good idea. I jest. I really love what I do, for reals. Sure it’s feast or famine, but it’s awesome in that way. And, as you may have surmised… I never became a doctor.


  GS: I’m aware that you’re a keen gamer. Tell us about some of your favorite games.

  EB: OK, so, for a long time, I was stuck on World of Warcraft. I’ve played that off and on since vanilla, both Horde and Alliance. I was mainly PvE, and played a lot of dual-wield melee Shaman. I only recently stopped playing at the end of 2013. But, Warlords of Draenor got my itch started again. I don’t know what I’m going to do when Legion drops. Bad things will happen.

  I’m also into RPGs, Turn-based Strategy, and Adventure games. Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy X, and KOTOR probably rank highest in my favorites list. Definitely KOTOR – I’ve played that game through at least 7 times, probably more. Games like The Longest Journey – I love that stuff. Fire Emblem on the GBA, I was hooked on that for a long time. And finally Zelda 3: A Link to the Past – I bought that game 3 different times, for SNES, GBA, and on Nintendo Virtual Console. 

  GS: Of all the Tomb Raider games, which one is your personal favorite, and why?

  EB: I am so biased. I haven’t had the chance to play Rise of the Tomb Raider yet, so I’ll say it’s gotta be Tomb Raider 2013, and not just because I’m involved with the game. I thought it was legitimately a lot of fun. I love the shooting/cover mechanics and the platforming. In fact, after I finished 100%-ing the game, I’d sometimes boot it up just walk around, climb ledges, and shoot stuff. Ask me again in a week, I’m sure I’ll say, “Rise. I love Rise of the Tomb Raider.”

  GS: Finally, what has been your favorite aspect of working on the Tomb Raider series so far?

  EB: Really, the fandom. The fandom has been nothing but awesome to me, and I love how absolutely die-hard they are. Plus, they put up with me tweeting about burritos all day. They’re a tight-knit bunch, and that’s awesomesauce. Also, I secretly love wearing tight, black adult onesies covered in reflective balls.

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