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Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

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劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

漫画家菲利普·赛维独家专访 Exclusive Interview with Phillip Sevy★[2017年度优秀文章]

发表时间:2017/07/02 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:陈君君(June Chen)  浏览次数:11651  
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Phillip Sevy - 菲利普·赛维

  Phillip Sevy is the artist of official Tomb Raider comic series (2016-2017). It has been a great pleasure to get to know and talk to him and found out all the back story about this most recent Tomb Raider comics series. Mr. Phillip is very easy to communicate with and super friendly to talk to, many of us adore his artworks and the image of Lara Croft that he drew in this series. He is definitely one of my favorite Tomb Raider comic artist other than Andy Park.
  If you are interested in his artwork, please visit his face book page or other social medias (see below).
  漫画家菲利普·赛维(Phillip Sevy)在2016年2月17日~2017年1月18日《古墓丽影(2016)》漫画系列中担任绘图(Artist),由他创作的十二期古墓丽影漫画画风写实饱满,充满质感,受到了众多古墓丽影粉丝的喜爱。作为古墓丽影中国网站的美国记者,我非常有幸今年年初与菲利普先生取得联系并进行了多次交流,菲利普为人非常热情友好,不但欣然接收了我们的独家采访,还为我们提供了许多独家稿件资料。

菲利普脸书主页 (Facebook):facebook.com/phillipsevycomicart
推特 (Twitter):@phillipsevy

Personal illustration of Lara Croft - 菲利普画作

   June: Could you introduce yourself to the fans in China? (How did you become a comic book artist? What was your first comic book? How many series have you done so far and which ones are your favorite?)

  Phillip: Sure. My name is Phillip Sevy and I’ve been working in comics for a few years now. I’ve wanted to draw comic professionally since I was 9 years old and bought a copy of Chris Claremont and Jim Lee’s X-Men #1. It’s been a long road (I started showing my portfolio of comic art at San Diego Comic Con in 1999) but I love making comics and am blessed to be able to do so. After attending the Savannah College of Art and Design I drew a miniseries called "The First Hero" for Action Lab comics before placing as a runner-up in the Top Cow talent hunt. For Top Cow I drew a few oneshots for their Aphrodite IX series before I drew issues 5 – 8 of "The Tithe". While drawing The Tithe, I got offered Tomb Raider, so I drew two series at once for a few months (I don’t recommend this as sleep and life was sacrificed to do this – ha!). 
  Since the end of Tomb Raider, I’ve turned my attentions toward my own projects. I released a scifi oneshot for free online called "Paradox". (you can read it at paradoxcomic.tumblr.com) Around the same time, Drew Zucker and I started releasing our long-gestating horror series "The House" on Comixology that I’m just writing and Drew is drawing. Issue 5 of the series just came out and there will be 7 issues in total. 

  Tomb Raider was a fantastic experience that introduced me to so many passionate and welcoming fans, but my favorite series (so far) has to be Paradox. It was short and very different from my other works, but it was very personal. It was also my first venture into creating a series where I do all aspects of production (writing, penciling, inking, coloring, and lettering). I’m working on a pitch for an longer series right now where I’m doing just about the same. 

  菲利普:好的,我叫菲利普·赛维(Phillip Sevy)。我从事漫画行业好多年了。我9岁的时候买到了一本克里斯·克莱蒙特(Chris Claremont)和吉姆·李(Jim Lee)的《X战警》第一期*注1,从那时起我就梦想成为一位职业漫画家,这是一条漫长的事业之路(我最初在1999年圣地亚哥动漫展的时候开始展示我的个人漫画作品),我非常喜欢制作漫画也很感激能从事此行业。 从萨凡纳艺术与设计学院毕业之后我为动作实验室画过一套迷你系列,名为《第一位英雄(The First Hero)》,这套系列也获得了当时“顶牛漫画才艺大赛(Top Cow talent hunt)”*注2的亚军。然后我为顶牛漫画画了几个《阿芙洛狄忒Ⅸ(Aphrodite IX)》的单本,后来就是《什一税(The Tithe)》系列的第5~8期,与此同时我接手了《古墓丽影》系列,当时我为两个系列同时创作了几个月的时间(真的牺牲了不少休息和生活时间,哈!)

Images of "The Tithe" - 《什一税》系列相关图片





"Paradox" - 《自相矛盾(Paradox)》漫画

  与此同时,安德鲁·扎克和我共同开始在Comixology网站推广发行我们的长篇恐怖系列 《鬼屋(The House)》,我作为作者,安德鲁是画家。《鬼屋》的第5期刚刚发表,此系列一共7期。

  (《鬼屋》系列网页链接 https://www.comixology.com/The-House/comics-series/84851


Cover images of "The House" - 《The House》前五期封面

  June: Most fans in China got to know you for the most recent Tomb Raider comics, could you tell us how did you start the Tomb Raider series? and how long did it take to complete those 12 issues? 

  Phillip: The editor of the first six issues or so was Patrick Thorpe and I met him over two years earlier at San Diego Comic Con. We had kept up with each other since then as I’d sent him samples of work. Early fall of 2015 I had emailed him some pdfs of the work I was doing for Top Cow as a way of updating him on what I was doing. I was busy with "The Tithe" and wasn’t looking for a new project at the moment, but Patrick responded and asked if I was available to start a new project that was "pretty big". He called me up and as soon as he said "Tomb Raider" my heart skipped a beat. I was a big fan of the earlier Tomb Raider series that Top Cow had produced – Michael Turner was and is one of my all-time favorite artists. I knew that no matter how crazy my life would be – I HAD to draw Tomb Raider. I talked to him at about 6pm on a Monday night. I started the next morning. 
  It took me roughly 14 months to draw the 12 issues. I had deadlines that ranged from 3 – 5 weeks per issue, depending on a lot of factors. It was really hard and exhausting, but I wouldn’t have traded it. Looking at the numbers, I haven’t drawn the most issues of Tomb Raider (that record belongs to Andy Park, I believe), but I’m one of the longest runs by an artist on the title. I feel very proud to be able to say that. 

  菲利普: 我和新版《古墓丽影》前6期的编辑派垂克·瑟普(Patrick Thorpe)在两年前的圣地亚哥动漫展上结识,然后一直保持联系,在这期间也寄给他看过一些我的作品。2015年初我电邮给他一些我为顶牛漫画创作的作品。当时的我也忙着创作《什一税》系列,并不打算接手新项目,但是派垂克回复并询问有没有兴趣接手一个“很牛”的系列。他随后给我电话,当他提到《古墓丽影》的时候我心中一跳。 我当年是顶牛漫画经典版《古墓丽影》系列的忠实粉丝,麦克·特纳(Michael Turner)一直是我最喜爱的漫画艺术家之一。我决定无论再忙我也一定要亲手绘制古墓丽影系列。我在周一晚间大概6点的时候和他做了通话,第二天一早就开始进入工作状态。
  全套12期古墓丽影漫画大概花了我14个月的时间。视不同的情况,每期我有3~5周左右的制作期限。绘制过程非常辛苦,但是我一点也不后悔。现在看看,我虽然不是古墓丽影系列绘制期数最多的画家(我相信这个头衔属于安迪·朴(Andy Park)*注3),但是我也是从事古墓丽影漫画系列绘制时间最长的漫画家之一,对此我非常自豪。

"Tomb Raider" artworks from Phillip - 菲利普画作

  June: In your opinion, what is the difference between your art style (in Tomb Raider series) from the other Tomb Raider comic artists (in Reboot or Classic Topcow version) 

  Phillip: I was very lucky in that I was allowed to put my style on the series. My style is more in line with the reboot comics/game – more realistic and grittier – but I think my work is darker and more textured than the reboot comics that came before. I loved being able to push the blacks and textures in my work. 

  菲利普:在绘制古墓丽影系列的过程中,我非常有幸可以保留自己的风格。我的风格也跟新的重启版游戏和漫画系列中的劳拉很贴近——更真实也更坚毅, 但是相比较之前的重启系列漫画,我认为我的作品风格更偏向阴暗和质感,我也更倾向于在我作品中推崇这种黑色质感。

"Tomb Raider" artworks from Phillip - 菲利普画作

  June: What is the general process of making the artwork of this Tomb Raider comic series? Did you involve any other part other than line art? 

  Phillip: Again, I was very lucky to work with great collaborators. Mariko (Tamaki) would send me drafts of the scripts and ask for feedback or input. She looked at the work I was producing and found ways to play to my strengths and allowed me to cut loose. So even before I started drawing an issue, I’d have been involved in the issue. She’s a great writer and did a great job not only writing but making me feel apart of the process. 
  Once her scripts were approved by Crystal Dynamics, I’d work on layouts that would get approved by my editors. From there, I’d pencil the whole issue and send to CD for approval. From there, inks and approvals. After that, Michael Atiyeh would work his color magic while Michael Heissler would add the final touch of great letters. 

  菲利普:我非常有幸的能跟玉置真里子(Mariko Tamaki)一起合作,她会先给我看剧情的草稿,咨询我的意见和回复。然后她会再查看我的工作,找出能发挥我长处的地方并允许我自由发挥。所以基本在我开始正式绘画前就已经完全进入状态了。她是一个出色的作家,不仅仅是在写作方面,还让我感到在创作过程中跟作品融合。
  当她的编剧稿子被官方水晶动力批准后,我就开始画出大致稿并得到我这边编辑的审核,审核通过后我会开始创作整册漫画的铅笔稿并递交给水晶动力工作室获得批准,然后再开始上墨稿,审核通过后,迈克尔·阿提耶(Michael Atiyeh)负责发挥他的所长 – 给整册书上彩色,同时迈克尔·海斯勒(Michael Heisler)负责做最后的润色和填字。

Process of making Tomb Raider comics - 漫画绘制过程

  June: What was the most difficult part to you? Did you have to follow certain guidelines?

  Phillip:It took me a little bit to get the look of Lara down right. I was drawing her too muscular at first. I have lots of female friends who are big into crossfit – so that got into my early drawings and I gave Lara much broader shoulders and muscled arms. Working with Crystal Dynamics, they helped me develop a look for her that was more consistent with the games. But after that, we were set. 

  菲利普:最初的时候花了我很多时间去定位劳拉这个形象,在最初的绘制中,我把她画的非常有肌肉感,我有许多女性朋友非常热衷于混合健身运动 – 这也是我最初定义劳拉的形象的概念:她富有更宽阔的肩膀和肌肉感的胳膊。在跟水晶动力工作室沟通后,他们帮助我定位了跟游戏中的劳拉更贴切的形象。(菲利普先生为本站独家奉献上初期和后期的对比图)

An early drawing of Lara Croft from page 2 of issue 1, which emphasized her muscular build. 初稿劳拉形象(可以看出劳拉更具有肌肉感)

Revision - 官方指定的修正版本

Published version - 最终发行的上色效果

  June: We heard the storyline of this series was completed by both of you and the writer - Mariko Tamaki, could you tell us more about it? Did you make any twist on the storyline? 

  Phillip:There were a lot of great discussions and back and forth between Mariko and I as we worked on the book. Obviously, she’s an award-winning, fantastic writer so I always trusted the choices she made and did my best to bring them to life. One of the big areas of focus she had was the relationship Lara had with her friends – often times the price her friends paid because of Lara’s actions – but that her friends were what gave her the strength to do what she did. I believe I suggested that Jonah be the one to save Lara and shoot the head bad guy at the end of issue 6. Lara is strong and capable and can do anything because of who she surrounds herself with. She’s strongest when she’s with others. That’s part of her strength – her love. 

  菲利普:在编写的过程中我和玉置真里子做了许多反复的推敲和讨论。显然她是一位非常出色并且获得大奖的著名漫画作者,所以我一直对她的决定都表示信任,也尽我的全力把她的叙事画的更加形象具体。她专注于体现劳拉和她朋友们之间的友情 – 很多时候劳拉的朋友们因为劳拉的行动而付出代价,但同时也正是她的朋友们给予劳拉勇气和力量。 我记得我是在第六期的结尾做出让约拿举枪干掉大反派而救出劳拉的剧情。
  劳拉很坚强也有足够的能力去做任何事情,但是她的坚强只有在朋友身边才会充分发挥出来。这也是劳拉的长处 – 她对友情的爱。

"Tomb Raider" artworks from Phillip - 菲利普画作

  June: Obviously, many TR comic followers were focusing on a specific character – Sam. In your interview of "20 Years of Tomb Raider", you mentioned Sam is also your favorite character other than Lara Croft, what is your thought between these two characters? What is your explanations on the ending of #12 issue between Lara and Sam? 
  记者陈君君:很明显很多古墓丽影漫画粉丝都在关注一个特定角色 – 珊。在去年官方高级经理-梅根的《20年古墓丽影》书中对你的采访中,你曾提到除了劳拉,珊是你最喜欢的一个角色,我想知道你对这两个人物之间的关系是如何看待和定义的?你对漫画最后一期(12期)中劳拉和珊的结局是怎么解释的?

  Phillip: What I love about the dynamic between Lara and Sam is that as far as Lara goes into the world of adventuring, cults, spirits, ancient evil, artifacts, etc – Sam is the person who grounds Lara and returns her to normalcy. Sam is who she cares about above all and it’s what will always guide Lara to do the right thing. 
  As far as the ending to issue 12, I’m curious to see where the story goes from there. Obviously, we had some plans that we weren’t able to see through, but I know Tomb Raider is in good hands and I can’t wait to see where the story goes. 

  菲利普:对于劳拉和珊之间的关系,我认为劳拉去探索世界,冒险,面对神秘和古代邪恶 ,寻找神器的一切动力都是源于珊,而也是珊能让劳拉过的像一个普通人的生活。珊是劳拉最用心关爱的人,而她也一直在引导劳拉去做出正义之举。
  至于12期的结尾,我现在很想知道接下来的故事将由此如何发展。显然我们因为计划有变而无法一时之间知晓,但是我知道有可靠的人在接掌古墓丽影, 我等不及看到后续了。

Personal illustration of Sam - 菲利普画作

  June: We noticed you started the series with pencil sketch and then transfer to digital process, what is the difference between the two process? 

  Phillip: My process evolved over the course of the year plus I spent on the book. The first five issues, I penciled digitally and then printed my pencils on the board and inked the pages by hand (combination of brush, nib, and pen). By issue 6, I switched to full digital work. As my deadlines got tighter, I had to find ways to speed up. It took about two full issues until I adjusted to the digital workflow, but I loved it. There were a few pages in each issue I’d normally ink by hand, but the bulk of 6 – 12 were done digitally. 
  With digital work, I was able to make corrections and changes much easier. I was also able to build 3d models of the environments for each issue and then drop them into my pages and ink over them. 


"Tomb Raider" artworks from Phillip - 菲利普画作

  June: What is the current comic book you are doing ?Will you come back for the future TR series? 

  Phillip: I’m working on a new series that I’m writing, penciling, inking, and coloring. It’s the first time I’m doing full-fledged colors on a sequential work and it’s been both intimidating and exciting. The project doesn’t have a publisher yet, but I’m pitching it to a few companies next month. Fingers crossed that I’ll be able to announce it in the next six months or so.
  I would love to come back and do more Tomb Raider work. Even though I got to do 12 issues, it felt like I was just starting to hit my stride. 


"Tomb Raider" artworks from Phillip - 菲利普画作

  June: Would you like to say anything to your fans in China? Many of them want to become a comic book artist, what is your advises to them? 

  Phillip: I want to thank them for the support of the series, my work, and Tomb Raider, in general. 
  As far as becoming a comic artist – if I can do it – anyone can. Ha! Each market for comics is very different, so the best advice I can give is to educate yourself. You don’t have to go to formal art school, but study anatomy, visual storytelling, perspective, etc. Just practice won’t make you a great artist – you need to study your craft and then practice.


Phillip Sevy - 菲利普·赛维

  *注2:顶牛漫画才艺大赛(Top Cow talent hunt)简单来说就是以顶牛旗下的人物来创作故事,然后投稿给顶牛。
  *注3:安迪·朴(Andy Park)是韩裔美国人,1975年出生,1999年因为绘制顶牛版《古墓丽影》漫画而声名鹊起,之后他还参与了《X战警》等漫画的绘制。2010年加入漫威电影工作室开始为《复仇者联盟》、《钢铁侠3》、《蚁人》等一系列漫威电影绘制概念设计图,成为电影界的一位新锐艺术家。

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