Lara Croft’s Tomb Raiders – Mark of the Phoenix Official Release
Welcome to Mark of the Phoenix, raiders! Thank you for your patience as we worked on the final touches of the game. It’s time to gather your friends to go on an epic adventure!
This digital tabletop RPG campaign is a passion project by long-standing Crystal employee, Matt Gaston. Matt has a love for tabletop games and wanted to create something special. From there, Lara Croft’s Tomb Raiders was born.
“编写这个游戏让我能够探索一个比任何视频游戏都更宏大的世界。与一群人一起玩,让我能够从许多不同角色的视角看到这个广阔而神秘的世界。我希望这个游戏带给您更多古墓丽影粉丝所喜爱的神秘和冒险!”- 马修·加斯顿,水晶动力公司高级技术设计师。
“Writing this game allowed me to examine a world that is bigger than any video game can portray. Playing it with a group allowed me to see this big, mysterious world from the perspective of many different characters. I hope this game brings you more of the mystery and adventure that Tomb Raider fans love!” -Matt Gaston, Senior Technical Designer at Crystal Dynamics.
While the lore in the game is non-canonical, there is much to discover and love and we are eager to see some community campaigns. The campaign and rule books a ton of amazing art by Kameliya Minkova and Johann Blaise, and the art was inspired by scenes and characters from all the games as well as movies! Here’s another glimpse of the artwork you can find inside:
Below you will find link(s) to the tabletop RPG game including a rule book, campaign book, character sheets, and journal pages.
Planning on starting a campaign with your friends? Be sure to share with us on our social channels!