国外玩家Roli's Tomb Raider制作的自制关卡编辑器使用教程,演示从零开始制作一个初级房间的完整过程。视频包含了编辑器基本控件、几何图形、连接房间、纹理、灯光、放置对象和色彩对象等要素的使用,是学习编辑器使用非常好的入门教学视频。
Hey guys!
In the next tutorial I'll show you how to use the TRLE: basic controls, geometry, connect rooms, texturing, lighting, place objects and color objects. You'll also see how to replace Lara's skin and add more objects.
Programs that you'll need:
- Tomb Raider Level Editor (http://www.tombraiderchronicles.com/t...)
- Next Generation Level Editor (http://www.trlevelmanager.net/downloa...)
- WADMerger + Runtime (http://www.trsearch.org/Tools/22/) & (http://www.trsearch.org/Tools/5/)
Special thanks to Horus Goddess for the Legend outfit, and mike quahe for the Egyptian objects.
Visit http://raidingtheglobe.com for more Tomb Raider!