《古墓丽影:十周年纪念版》无条件竞速(any% Run)通关视频,作者:Cadarev Elry,通关时间:0:26:04,发布时间:2015年2月11日。
原视频网址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxAJH9o8H-M(发布者:Cadarev Elry)
Finally got a run finished with the new fuse skip. My goal was originally sub 26, but this is pretty good for now with the strats used.
I was very satisfied with the run up until Egypt. Folly skip and centaurs went very well. In Egypt I chickened out and didn't go for the jump to airwalk to skip the Sphinx door. Finally, the run really took a dive in Lost Island, starting with me barely saving a mistake in the vertical room. From this point on forward, stuff really went downhill, so I could save around 20 seconds in the final level.