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Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

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The Last Revelation

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古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2013/04/21 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:小昔夕  浏览次数:8381  
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补丁名称:《古墓丽影》PC版升级补丁V1.01.743.0/Tomb Raider PC Update 1.01.743.0



2013年4月17日 1.01.743.0
2013年4月13日 1.01.742.0
2013年3月30日 1.01.732.1
2013年3月26日 1.0.730.0
2013年3月16日 1.0.722.3
2013年3月10日 1.0.718.4 


2013年4月17日Tomb Raider Update Released
Product Update - Valve
We have just made public a new version of the PC version of Tomb Raider, build 1.01.743.0. This patch will be applied by Steam automatically when you next start the game. If your game does not update, please restart the Steam client.

This is primarily an update to fix a problem introduced in the previous patch, but it brings some other improvements as well.

New fixes in 743.0:

- Resolved a problem where mouse control in the basecamp upgrade screen would not work properly since build 742.0.
- Stereo3D parameters for strength and depth can now be modified in the registry beyond their normal in-game range again.
- GPU performance improvements, specifically at higher quality levels.

While we expect this patch to be an improvement for everyone, if you do have trouble with this patch and prefer to stay on the old version we made a Beta available on Steam, Build742.0, that can be used to switch back to the previous version. Please note however that you can only play multiplayer with people that share your version.

Unfortunately we do not yet have a resolution for the players that are experiencing crashes and major graphical corruption on NVIDIA hardware. Some progress has been made though, and we expect hope to have an update soon.

We will keep monitoring for feedback and will release further patches as it seems required. We always welcome your feedback!

2013年4月13日Tomb Raider Update Released
Product Update - Valve
We have just made public a new version of the PC version of Tomb Raider, build 1.01.742.0. This patch will be applied by Steam automatically when you next start the game. If your game does not update, please restart the Steam client.

While most fixes found in the latest console patches have already been released as part of earlier PC patches, this patch includes all fixes made on the consoles by Patch 3.

New fixes in 742.0:

- Resolved situation in which combat would not spawn the next encounter on Chasm Bridge, halting player progress.
- Fixed an issue where the block and tackle itself was inaccessible while on the galleon.
- Improved QTE timing (left/right movement, button mashing) to be more consistent independent of frame-rate.
- Parachute controls are now more responsive on low frame-rate.
- Improvements to the 3DVision support, and support for the 3DVision IR device.
- Support for Eyefinity setups with multiple display-sets. (for example 3x1 + 1 setups).
- Some small multiplayer improvements.
- Various improvements to the handling of the last-campsite save.
- We have decided to remove the Optional Movie download and instead provide links to our YouTube pages containing those same videos.

While we expect this patch to be an improvement for everyone, if you do have trouble with this patch and prefer to stay on the old version we made a Beta available on Steam, Build732.1, that can be used to switch back to the previous version. Please note however that you can only play multiplayer with people that share your version.

Unfortunately we do not yet have a resolution for the players that are experiencing crashes and major graphical corruption on NVIDIA hardware. Some progress has been made though, and we expect hope to have an update soon.

We will keep monitoring for feedback and will release further patches as it seems required. We always welcome your feedback!

2013年3月30日Tomb Raider Update Released
Product Update - Valve
We have just made public a new version of the PC version of Tomb Raider, build 1.01.732.1. This patch will be applied by Steam automatically when you next start the game. If your game does not update, please restart the Steam client.

New fixes in 732.1:

- Fixed an issue in ”Chasm Monastery” where the player cannot progress after fighting the Oni.
- New community requested graphics option ‘Screen Effects’ to disable camera-based full screen effects like water and blood drops.
- Fixed last campsite save not always updating when expected.
- Various small optimizations.
- Various minor UI fixes.
- Minor graphics fixes.

While we expect this patch to be an improvement for everyone, if you do have trouble with this patch and prefer to stay on the old version we made a Beta available on Steam, Build730.0, that can be used to switch back to the previous version. Please note however that you can only play multiplayer with people that share your version.

Unfortunately we do not yet have a resolution for the players that are experiencing crashes and major graphical corruption on NVIDIA hardware. We are still working on this with NVIDIA and hope to have an update soon.

We are planning further patches beyond this one to address various issues. We always welcome your feedback!

2013年3月26日Tomb Raider Update Released
Product Update - Valve
We have just made public a new version of the PC version of Tomb Raider, build 1.0.730.0. This patch will be applied by Steam automatically when you next start the game. If your game does not update, please restart the Steam client.

New fixes in 730.0:

• Upgraded the save slots from three to 99
• Introduced “Last Campsite Save”, which automatically saves your progress up to the last campsite you have visited
• Added stereoscopic 3D reticle
• Fixed issues with the discovery of the Unworthy campsite.
• Fixed a problem that occurred when traveling back to the Sacred Hall Basecamp after that story has been completed
• Fixed a playthrough stopper in Chasm Bridge
• Fixed a playthrough stopper that could occur when loading a saved game created in the Coastal Forest after upgrading the axe but before opening the gate
• The active selection in the main menu no longer changes due to the rotation of the menu itself
• Fixed Mouse and Aim Sensitivity slider settings getting rounded to coarser values on save
• Fixed a crash in multiplayer that could occur while migrating hosts
• Added functionality to activate and deactivate DLC multiplayer maps during matchmaking. Maps can also be manually activated and deactivated in the new ‘Match Making’ menu in the ‘Options’ menu.
• (DX11) Fixed a few self-shadowing artifacts in the beach
• (DX11) Various performance optimizations
• (DX11) Improved sunlight shadow quality
• (DX11) Lens flares now render correctly in stereoscopic 3D
• (DX11) Improved exclusive fullscreen <-> windowed transitions
• (DX11) Fixed occasional crash on startup related to stereoscopic detection
While we expect this patch to be an improvement for everyone, if you do have trouble with this patch and prefer to stay on the old version we made a Beta available on Steam, Build722.3, that can be used to switch back to the previous version. Please note however that you can only play multiplayer with people that share your version.

We are planning further patches beyond this one to address various issues that have come out of consumer feedback since the release of the game.

2013年3月16日Tomb Raider Update Released
Product Update - Valve
We have just made public a new version of the PC version of Tomb Raider, build 1.0.722.3. This patch will be applied by Steam automatically when you next start the game. If your game does not update, please restart the Steam client.

In addition to various PC specific fixes this patch brings all the fixes available in the 1.02 console patch to the PC as well, but note that the majority of those was already included in the originally released PC game or version 718.4.

New fixes in 722.3:

- Addressed an issue in ”Shipwreck Beach” where the mast on the wooden ship was occasionally missing depending on the player’s path.
- Fixed a gating issue in “Research Bunker” where the elevator would get stuck in an unintended state.
- Fixes for multiplayer connectivity
o An issue related to security certificates that stopped many users from connection to Square Enix servers was resolved.
o Improved messages when you are unable to connect with Square Enix servers.
- Improvements to voice-chat for multiplayer
o New Push-To-Talk feature, by default mapped to F1.
o New voice-chat volume option.
o Improved overall quality of voice-chat.
- Fixes for crashes on startup in specific situations when no audio output is available.
- Fixes for various reported crashes during both single-player and multi-player.
- Movies are showing up again when using SSAA.
- Cost of TressFX reduced, especially in combination with SSAA.
- TressFX memory usage reduced for AMD Eyefinity and NVIDIA Surround setups.
- TressFX simulation and graphical quality improvements.
- New Ultra-quality shadow mode for contact hardening shadows. This is not enabled by default in any quality profile, but can be enabled from the advanced settings.
- Improvements to fullscreen/windowed switching and multiple display handling.
- Various UI improvements.

While we expect this patch to be an improvement for everyone, if you do have trouble with this patch and prefer to stay on the old version we made a Beta available on Steam, Build718.4, that can be used to switch back to the previous version. Please note however that you can only play multiplayer with people that share your version.

We’ve been working closely with NVIDIA to address the issues experienced by some Tomb Raider players. In conjunction with this patch, NVIDIA will be releasing updated drivers that help to improve stability and performance of Tomb Raider on NVIDIA GeForce GPUs. We are continuing to work together to resolve any remaining outstanding issues. We recommend that GeForce users update to the latest GeForce 314.21 drivers (posting today) for the best experience in Tomb Raider.

We are planning further patches beyond this one to address various issues that have come out of consumer feedback since the release of the game.

2013年3月10日Tomb Raider Update Released
Product Update - Valve
We have just made public a new version of the PC version of Tomb Raider, build 1.0.718.4. This patch will be applied by Steam automatically when you next start the game. If your game does not update, please restart the Steam client.

This update addresses a variety of issues that we either found out about shortly before release or immediately after.

Fixes include:

- Addressed some stability and startup issues on machines that have both Intel and NVIDIA graphics hardware.
- Fix for players being unable to progress related to the boat in the beach area.
- Some fixes for crashes on startup and when selecting Options.
- Some small improvements to TressFX hair rendering.
- Fixes for various graphics glitches, including certain effects not being visible in fullscreen mode.
- Fixed a problem that caused some users to not be able to use exclusive fullscreen.
- Added support for separate mouse/gamepad inversion for aiming, as well as support for x-axis inversion.
- Fixes related to the benchmark scene and benchmark mode.
- Various other small fixes.

While we expect this patch to be an improvement for everyone. If you do have trouble with this patch and prefer to stay on the old version we made a Beta available on Steam, Build716.5, that can be used to switch back to the previous version. Please note however that you can only play multiplayer with people that share your version.


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