2003年6月20日《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》PS2版首先在北美上市,而限制在欧洲国家销售的版本则推迟到了7月4日才陆续上市,两个版本面世时间相距其实并不长,但游戏中却有了不少变化。以下是国外玩家RUUs Room制作的对比视频,让我们来看看有哪些不同吧。
原视频网址:https://youtu.be/wIaUPzQ5NAc(发布者:RUUs Room)
Happy New Year!!! =)
This video shows some differences I noticed between AoD's USA version (which was actually the first released version ever) against the European version.
There are not to much things, but I hope you enjoy this little video.
2003年7月4日《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》PS2版在欧洲上市后,更晚的日版直到10月23日才在日本上市。以下仍是国外玩家RUUs Room制作的对比视频,让我们来看看有哪些不同吧。
原视频网址:https://youtu.be/6v54rAFiuTE(发布者:RUUs Room)
Super quick video that I was supossed to upload long ago T.T
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MORE differences that I personally thought wasn't necesary to record them:
- Different font texts on menus, subtitles, etc.
- the "X" button is for jump and "O" for action.
- The shotgun makes a weird noise (not always) when you shot.
- Missing audio background tracks in some levels.
- Game randomly crashes sometimes when you pick up something.
- No buggy-looped Lara audio in The Monstrum Crimscene door (that red one when you try open it and Lara says: "IT WON'T OPEN IT WON'T OPEN IT WON'T OPEN IT WON'T OPEN x999"
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The japanese version somehow "blocked" all kind of bugs/cheats in the game. We can't go through walls with Lara's stealth-move or the same with Kurtis but using the ducking-bug. Also, the "Skip/Level Select" cheat seem to not work at all.