《古墓丽影2:西安匕首》不间断(SS)无BUG(Glitchless)100%完成度竞速通关视频。作者:makeal(法国),通关完成时间:3小时36分07秒(RTA 3小时36分43秒),录制时间:2018年8月1日,录制平台:PC。原视频网址:https://youtu.be/mDccKzxjDy8,完整竞速通关请访问:https://www.speedrun.com/tomb_raider。
I wanted to get that wr back quickly before starting glitchless any% again. Time is not the best as i think it can go down to 3 32 or less but i take that as long as no one beats it^^
Hope you enjoy!
Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/makeal