8月1日,史克威尔艾尼克斯欧洲部CEO菲尔·罗杰斯(Phil Rogers,其也是史克威尔艾尼克斯与艺夺重组前的艺夺CEO,最近还兼任了史克威尔美国部的CEO)宣布,《古墓丽影10》已在开发中,将登陆次世代。以下是ZZer为大家转载的两篇相关新闻。
PS4和Xbox One的脚步越来越近,任何一部大作都不愿意缺席次世代的初期舞台,玩家最爱的女英雄劳拉当然也不甘人后。日前,Square Enix宣布,《古墓丽影10》已在开发中,将登陆次世代。
Square Enix北美和欧洲区的总裁Phil Rogers在网络上公布了这一好消息,他表示:“《古墓丽影10》的开发工作进行的很不错”。
《古墓丽影10》将继续由Crystal Dynamics工作室开发制作。
“Square Enix正在制作一系列次世代项目,其中包括在E3公布的《最终幻想15》和《国王之心2》,《神偷4》也将在2014年与玩家见面。”Rogers说。
另外,Rogers还澄清,此前关于Square Enix将放弃主机游戏转投手机游戏市场的传言是无稽之谈。
此前在SDCC漫展上,Dark Horse确认《古墓丽影》系列游戏的最新漫画将会在明年制作推出,并且,该作将开启一个全新的系列游戏。
A note from Phil Rogers, CEO
Posted by Phil Rogers on 01/08/2013
By way of introduction, my name is Phil Rogers and I’m the CEO for Square Enix in the Americas and Europe looking after our studio and publishing businesses. I think it’s clear to everyone that the games industry is rapidly changing – there are now more and more ways to play (and pay for) games. Through these and other advancements, gaming is taking a greater part of people’s time, fitting within a broad entertainment landscape which is offering greater choice, freedom and expression. As this industry evolves and changes, we have to change too.
There’s been speculation and commentary made this year about Square Enix’s strategy in the Americas and Europe, and I know we’ve not outwardly commented or addressed this, so some folk may be confused about what we’re actually doing – therefore I want to try and explain directly to you here on our Square Enix blog.
First and foremost, we are a games company and today we devote most of our time and effort into developing new and rich gameplay experiences, worlds and characters. At the same time new business models have risen up, which we periodically will try to explore. I know this can be frustrating for some long-time fans of our games, particularly if it seems that we’re heading in unfamiliar directions without much in the way of explanation. Explaining our approach to these opportunities is something we’re working to improve on. That said, we need to experiment and adapt or it’s likely we won’t always be in a position to keep investing in the ways we need, to build-out our games and offer excellence to you, our gamers.
I can categorically say that we’re not abandoning core, triple-A console and PC games. We’re working hard at improving how we develop our games and how we release them, and I want to explain that in a little more detail.
We’ve recently re-orientated our studio leadership to focus production expertise at the top, to allow us to ship the best quality games possible, faster and with better cost control. We’ve taken away administrative duties from studio heads, so they get closer to the games, gameplay and gamers with fewer distractions. We’ve made these changes to all of our studios in the Americas and Europe and we believe this will improve not only the quality of our games, but also improve the time between releases.

In the future, we’ll offer gamers more choice, support more platforms and try new things – but we will make sure that whatever the platform, we’ll always keep our focus on raising the quality bar. We feel that is what gamers should expect from a Square Enix game.
I’ve spent the past few months building a senior team in the Americas and Europe to support our new and evolving strategy. We plan to share a fuller title release plan with you soon on games ranging from next-gen blockbusters (the above mentioned Tomb Raider sequel) to new cutting-edge tablet and mobile games (such as the recently released Deus Ex: The Fall), to live and online PC games (our now in beta Heroes & Generals).

Thanks for reading,