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  Kurtis Trent Boss Fights Strategy Guide

  Feb 19, 2025

  《古墓丽影4-6复刻版》恢复了柯蒂斯·特伦特最初设计的能力,包括投射心理护盾和使用他的飞盘状武器——奇鲁盖。柯蒂斯的默认武器是他定制的手枪——Boran X。
  Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered restores Kurtis Trent’s originally planned abilities, including his ability to project a Psychic Shield and wield his discus-like blade, the Chirugai. Kurtis’ default weapon is his custom-made pistol, the Boran X. 

  In this guide, we provide a deeper breakdown of their mechanics and offer expert tips and strategies for defeating the two boss fights Kurtis encounters beneath Strahov in Prague. 

  The first time players switch to the Chirugai, a control prompt will appear, explaining how to use its abilities. One important note: Kurtis can recall the Chirugai after throwing it by pressing the 'fire' button again.

  Boran X造成的伤害较小,但发射速度快,非常适合快节奏战斗。另一方面,奇鲁盖需要更长的时间来激活,但伤害更高。
  The Boran X deals less damage but fires quickly, making it ideal for fast-paced combat. The Chirugai, on the other hand, takes longer to activate but delivers higher damage.  

  The most valuable skill we recommend mastering is quick weapon switching, allowing for a smoother and more effective combat experience. You can check the button combinations in Menu > Options > Control > Shortcuts. Quick weapon switching is especially useful when activating the Psychic Shield, which can only be triggered while the Chirugai is equipped and drawn out.  

  一旦心理护盾被激活,松开奇鲁盖的抽出按钮,让柯蒂斯完成护盾的充能,然后迅速切换到Boran X。这样你就可以在切换到Boran X之前跳过再次抽出奇鲁盖的动画。
  Once the Psychic Shield is activated, release the Chirugai draw button and let Kurtis finish charging the shield, then quick switch to the Boran X. This allows you to bypass the animation of drawing the Chirugai again before switching to Boran X. 

  The Psychic Shield reduces incoming damage, prevents Kurtis from being poisoned, and keeps him grounded against heavy enemy attacks that would otherwise knock him down. 

  The Proto-Nephilim 

  As a half-Nephilim, the Proto-Nephilim can only be killed using the Periapt Shard. However, before Kurtis can do so, the Proto-Nephilim must first be weakened.

  我们建议用Boran X开始战斗。一旦柯蒂斯锁定了原始拿非利人,一边射击一边向后跳跃。当你到达房间的尽头时,跳过原始拿非利人,再次转身面对它,并在继续向后跳跃射击之前重新锁定。重复这个过程,直到原始拿非利人开始逃跑。当柯蒂斯无法再锁定原始拿非利人时,接下来将进入躲避阶段。
  We recommend starting the fight with the Boran X. Once Kurtis locks onto the Proto-Nephilim, jump backwards while shooting. When you reach the end of the room, jump over the Proto-Nephilim, turn to face it again, and re-establish a lock before continuing to fire whilst jumping backward. Repeat this process until the Proto-Nephilim begins to escape. The escape sequence starts when Kurtis is no longer able to lock onto the Proto-Nephilim. 

KT Proto Chirugai

  Once the Proto-Nephilim has escaped, move to the far end of the metallic floor cover, on the opposite side of the power lever. Equip the Chirugai and wait for the Proto-Nephilim to reappear. As soon as it does, activate Kurtis’ Psychic Shield. Once the shield is active, switch back to the Chirugai and throw it at the Proto-Nephilim as soon as it reaches the floor and Kurtis locks on. Keep throwing the Chirugai until the creature starts to retreat.

  Tip: If the Proto-Nephilim is too close and still dealing damage even after Kurtis loses his lock, step away to force its retreat. 

  Return to the same position, ready the Chirugai, and repeat the process until the Proto-Nephilim is defeated. 

  如果你的目标是获得“你只是一只猴子”的成就,请确保在进入触发战斗过场动画的房间之前先治疗好自己。装备奇鲁盖,并按照上面概述的相同策略进行操作——只是不要使用Boran X。
  If you're aiming for the 'You’re Just a Monkey' achievement, make sure to heal up before stepping into the room that triggers the battle cutscene. Equip the Chirugai, and follow the same strategy outlined above - just be sure not to use the Boran X.

  Mutated Boaz 

  Boaz has four main attacks: the front claws attack, poison spit, tail attack and the ability to launch poisonous globs from the body pods on her mutated form. The objective is to destroy four of her body pods, but each can only be destroyed one at a time while she is launching the poisonous globs. To force her to open the pods, Kurtis must deal enough damage to her mutated head. Once the head is damaged, Boaz will open the pods, allowing Kurtis to target them. The rest of the time, the pods remain closed and protected. 

  A major quality-of-life improvement introduced in this fight is the automatic target switch. Kurtis will now automatically target any of the open pods. 

  The First Phase of the Fight 

  最好的策略是使用Boran X,因为它非常适合这场需要柯蒂斯保持敏捷的快节奏战斗。一旦波阿斯开始向柯蒂斯走来,就开始射击,迫使她打开身体上的毒球发射荚。攻击荚的最佳时机是她开始左右摆动她变异的身体时。
  The best strategy is to use the Boran X, as it's ideal for this fast-paced battle where Kurtis needs to stay agile. As soon as Boaz starts walking towards Kurtis, begin firing to force her to open the poison-launching pods on her body. The right time to attack the pods is when she starts swinging her mutated body from side to side.

  Make use of Kurtis' new ability to perform quick succesion jumps when reaching the pods.

  专业提示:战斗开始时,装备奇鲁盖并投掷一次以节省弹药。然后,迅速切换到Boran X并开始向波阿斯射击以触发相同效果。
  Pro Tip: At the start of the fight, equip the Chirugai and throw it once to conserve ammo. Then, quickly switch to the Boran X and begin shooting at Boaz to trigger the same effect.

  As you move toward the pods, keep an eye out for the poisonous green globs she launches, including those that land on the floor. If Kurtis is hit or steps into a glob, and his health bar turns green, immediately use a Poison Antidote to prevent the poison from draining his health. If you do not posses a Poison Antidote, you can use a Large Health Pack.

  Tip: Activate the Psychic Shield before using the antidote to prevent immediate re-poisoning and avoid wasting it.

  Once Kurtis is close to the pod and has locked onto it, start shooting. Avoid jumping around - instead, move sideways while firing to maintain the lock.

柯蒂斯·特伦特的 Boaz 1 Boran X
KT Boaz 1 Boran X

  一旦你摧毁了她的一个豆荚,就尽可能拉开距离,并用Boran X从远处瞄准她的头部。
  Once you’ve destroyed one of her pods, create as much distance as possible and draw the Boran X to target her head from afar. 

  If Boaz starts spitting poison, quickly evade by running or jumping to one of her sides. Wait for her to stop before positioning yourself in front of her to resume attacking. Beware of Boaz’s tail as she will attack if you’re too close to it. 

  当波阿斯使用前爪攻击时,最佳行动是装备Boran X的同时进行后空翻或侧空翻躲避。
  When Boaz uses the front claws attack, the best course of action is to evade by performing a backflip or sideflip while keeping the Boran X equipped. 

  The Second Phase of the Fight 

  The second phase of the fight is best approached with the Chirugai, as it deals more damage.

  Start by activating the Psychic Shield, then begin throwing the Chirugai while the shield is active. The Psychic Shield is crucial, as it prevents Boaz from using her powerful attacks to throw Kurtis around the arena. Although she can still deal damage, Kurtis will remain grounded and be able to fight back. Once the shield is depleted, repeat the process. 

柯蒂斯·特伦特的 Boaz 2 护盾
KT Boaz 2 Shield

  在某个时刻,波阿斯会后退,她的眼睛会发出明亮的蓝光。使用柯蒂斯的冲刺能力躲避她即将到来的投射攻击。在这个阶段,Boran X将无效,所以专注于躲避和生存。你仍然可以使用奇鲁盖,但要注意投射物会造成重大伤害,因为柯蒂斯无法及时躲避。波阿斯停止攻击后,迅速再次激活精神护盾并继续投掷奇鲁盖。
  At a certain point, Boaz will pull away, and her eyes will glow bright blue. Use Kurtis' sprint ability to dodge her incoming projectile attacks. During this phase, the Boran X will be ineffective, so focus on evading and surviving. You can still use the Chirugai, but be aware that the projectiles will deal significant damage, as Kurtis won’t be able to evade them in time. Once Boaz stops, quickly activate the Psychic Shield again and resume throwing the Chirugai. 

  Note: Once Boaz is defeated, it may take a few moments for the level to conclude. 

  Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered  is available now:  

  ● Steam 

  ● Nintendo Switch 

  ● PlayStation 

  ● Xbox 

  ● Epic Games Store 

  ● GOG 

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