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Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


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  10 Things You Need to Know Before Playing The Survivor Trilogy

  Sep 27, 2024

  The Survivor Era introduces a different approach to Tomb Raider by featuring a young Lara Croft who is not yet the seasoned raider from previous games. This trilogy consists of Tomb Raider (2013), Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. 

  The Survivor Trilogy shifts its gameplay focus on survival mechanics, such as resource gathering, crafting, and skill upgrades. The combat system is also redesigned, with aiming becoming fully manual and Lara’s go-to weapon being the bow. 

  If you're interested in our previous "Ten Things You Need to Know" articles, you can find them here: 

  ● 十件玩经典古墓丽影前须知的事
  10 Things You Need to Know Before Playing Classic Era Tomb Raider 

  ● 十件玩《传奇》《十周年纪念版》《地下世界》前须知的事
  10 Things You Need to Know Before Playing Legend, Anniversary and Underworld 

Survivor Lara

  1. 初出茅庐的探险家
  1. The Inexperienced Raider 

  The Survivor trilogy begins with Lara Croft’s first major adventure, marking a turning point that ignites her passion to explore the unknown corners of the world. At this stage, Lara is inexperienced and needs to develop her skillset. Nevertheless, she remains agile, with remarkable climbing strength and an unwavering determination to overcome any obstacle in her path. 

  2. 营地
  2. Base Camps 

  All three games in the Survivor trilogy use Base Camps, which serve not only as save points, but also enable Lara to use skill points to master various abilities, upgrade weapons and gear, change outfits, and fast travel to other established base camps. 

  In Tomb Raider (2013), Base Camps feature three main categories: skills, fast travel, and gear. Lara must collect salvage throughout the map to upgrade her weapons through the gear option. 

  Base Camps in Rise of the Tomb Raider are more complex, offering four main categories: skills, inventory, weapons, and fast travel. The inventory system allows Lara to craft ammunition and equipment. 

  Shadow of the Tomb Raider goes back to using three main categories for Base Camps: skills, inventory, and fast travel. The inventory now includes weapons, outfits, and equipment. 

  A feature that is exclusive to Shadow of the Tomb Raider is outfit customization, allowing Lara to craft and combine clothing items for her upper and lower body separately. Each piece provides unique skill effects. 

Base Camp

  3. 技能
  3. Skills 

  Tomb Raider (2013) introduced a new gameplay mechanic to the franchise: skills that Lara Croft can learn and perform. As players accumulate experience points (XP) throughout the game, Lara earns skill points that can be spent at any base camp on three main skill categories: Survivor, Hunter, and Brawler. 

  Rise of the Tomb Raider uses the same skill categories as the previous game, while Shadow of the Tomb Raider introduces three new skill categories: Warrior, Scavenger, and Seeker. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, some skills can only be unlocked by completing challenge tombs. 

  4. 武器
  4. Weapons 

  Lara Croft’s primary weapon throughout the Survivor trilogy is the bow, which serves not only as a combat tool but also plays a crucial role in puzzle-solving and traversal by using rope arrows. In addition to the bow, she can wield pistols, shotguns, and rifles or automatics. 

  Starting with Rise of the Tomb Raider, Lara gains the ability to craft various types of ammunition. Rise also introduces multiple models for each weapon category with distinct statistics, allowing players to select and upgrade the firearms at base camps that best complement their preferred combat style. 

  5. 登山斧
  5. Climbing Axe(s) 

  The climbing axe has become one of Lara Croft’s essential tools, aiding her in climbing, prying open doors, and overcoming obstacles, as well as assisting in combat. In Rise of the Tomb Raider, Lara starts using two climbing axes, one of which is eventually upgraded to the grappling axe. This new feature lets Lara hook onto ledges and other designated spots. 

《古墓丽影:崛起》- 登山斧
ROTTR - Climbing Axes

  6. 可选/挑战古墓
  7. Optional/Challenge Tombs 

  Optional/Challenge Tombs are puzzle-based locations that provide valuable rewards upon completion. In Tomb Raider (2013), these are called ‘Optional Tombs’, while in Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider, they are referred to as ‘Challenge Tombs’. 

  Completing these tombs is not required for the main story progression, but each one presents a unique puzzle and offers valuable rewards such as maps, weapon upgrades and special skills. Exploring these tombs is beneficial for gaining experience points and preparing Lara for future challenges. 

  Each Optional/Challenge Tomb has entrance markings, allowing players to decide if they want to explore the tomb or continue with the main storyline. Some tombs are easily accessible, while others require specific gear to enter. 

  In Rise of the Tomb Raider, crypts are introduced as a different type of optional challenge. Unlike tombs, crypts do not feature puzzles but still offer unique rewards. 

  7. 游泳
  6. Swimming 

  Tomb Raider (2013) is the first game in the franchise to exclude swimming gameplay. Rise of the Tomb Raider reintroduces swimming, albeit in a limited capacity. However, Shadow of the Tomb Raider significantly expands on this feature, incorporating extensive swimming sequences and adding stealth elements where Lara must conceal herself in seaweed to evade dangerous animals. 

Cenote Swimming

  8. 收集品
  8. Collectibles 

  Collectibles play a significant role in the Survivor trilogy, not only by providing extra experience points for discovering them but also by enriching Lara Croft’s journey with deeper context about the places she explores. Through personal documents that reveal stories of the past and relics that can be closely examined for clues about their origins or significance, these collectibles bring the world to life. Other collectibles vary from game to game, but all reward the effort put into uncovering them. 

  9. 故事
  9. Story. 

  Each game can be enjoyed as a standalone adventure with its own self-contained story. However, playing them in order enhances the overall narrative, highlighting Lara’s journey from an inexperienced adventurer to a confident Tomb Raider.  

  The only character which appears in all three games is Lara’s best friend, Jonah Maiava. His role becomes more prominent in Rise and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. 

  10. 从哪里开始
  10. Where to start 

  如果你希望按照劳拉·克劳馥冒险经历的时间顺序来玩古墓丽影系列游戏,那么就从《生存者三部曲》开始吧。如果你想像25多年来的粉丝一样体验古墓丽影,那就从最初的古墓丽影开始玩起,这款游戏最近已与其后的两部冒险作品一同重制,并作为《古墓丽影I-III 复刻版》发行。
  If you would like to play the Tomb Raider games in the chronological order of Lara Croft's adventures, begin with the Survivor trilogy. If you want to experience Tomb Raider as fans have for more than 25 years, start with the original Tomb Raider, which has recently been remastered along with the following two adventures and released as Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft. 

  Regarding the Survivor trilogy, Tomb Raider (2013) and Rise of the Tomb Raider have a larger emphasis on combat, while Shadow of the Tomb Raider is more oriented toward exploration. Shadow also features the most extensive tombs, especially in the DLCs.  

  While all three games have overall difficulty settings, Shadow of the Tomb Raider offers gameplay difficulty customization, allowing players to adjust combat, exploration, and puzzle difficulties. 

  Follow Lara on her formative journey in the Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy.

  Purchase on your platform of choice:

  ● PlayStation

  ● Xbox

  ● Steam

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