Forum Comp #15 - 'Twas The Night Before Croftmas...
It's competition time again!
Many of you have been waiting for us to do a fanfic/writing contest for a long time. So for this comp we'd like ya'll to come up with aChristmas related story with Lara. You may enter with just plain text, or create a comic strip (example), or visually dress up your entry any way you like. Maximum 2000 words. And no Fifty Shades of Grey kind of stories; the only rope Lara uses is for rock climbing
Judging entries will be done entirely on content; spelling and grammar mistakes will not be focused on by the judges. So don't worry in case English is not your native language
The core rules are:
- Maximum 1 entry per person/household
- Maximum 2000 words per entry.
- Post your entry in this thread and start your post with the text *THIS IS MY CONTEST ENTRY*
- Use http://pic.driber.net/up/ for including images.
- Entry submission deadline: 12 pm CET / 3 am PST on Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

1st: $75 TR store credit + surprise gift from Crystal Dynamics swag vault
2nd: $60 TR store credit + surprise gift from Crystal Dynamics swag vault
3rd: $50 TR store credit + surprise gift from Crystal Dynamics swag vault
Prizes donated by CD. TR store credit does not include shipping costs - that will be paid for by CD as well.

Post your entry in this thread and start your post with the text *THIS IS MY CONTEST ENTRY*
Upload images using this link http://pic.driber.net/up (choose "comp #15") and insert the BB code in your post.

- Maximum 1 entry per person/household
- Maximum 2000 words per entry.
- Post your entry in this thread and start your post with the text *THIS IS MY CONTEST ENTRY*
- Use http://pic.driber.net/up/ for including images.
- Entry submission deadline: 12 pm CET / 3 am PST on Thursday, January 2nd, 2014
- Competition promoter is Driber. Prizes donated by Crystal Dynamics.
- Driber reserves the right to extend the deadline and/or cancel the competition at any time without warning or reason.
- Keep your entry clean, in good taste and in accordance with our FORUM TOU.
- Your entry may not break any laws.
- Entries must be in English.
- In the event of a tie, the person who posted first wins.
- Maximum 1 prize per contestant; contestants cannot win for example 1st prize and 3rd prize.
- In cases of suspected fraud, winners are responsible for proving ownership of their entry in order to claim their prize.
- Winners will be notified via PM or email. Winners must respond with their postal address within 2 weeks of being notified or else their prize may go to another contestant.
- Judges decisions are final.
Good luck, everyone!

* * * Forum competition history and previous winners collage * * *
APR 2010: Forum Easter egg hunt | JUL 2011: Guess the number | AUG 2011: Photoshop caption fun | NOV 2011: Meme comp | DEC 2011: Create a Christmas sig
FEB 2012: Create your own V-Day card | MAR 2012: Easter Fun | APR 2012: TR Fan Art "By Hand" | JUL 2012: The Fabulous Destinations of Lara Croft | JUL 2012: post your favorite (funny) screens | SEP 2012: AoD caption contest | OCT 2012: design your own forum banner | DEC 2012:Create a TR Holiday Card | FEB 2013: TR Early Game Contest APR 2013: Funny Caption Contest | SEP 2013: Design an outfit for Lara | DEC 2013:Lara's Christmas Story