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官方第十四个论坛比赛:劳拉服装设计(Design an outfit for Lara)

发表时间:2013/09/20 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:3836  
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Forum Comp #14 - Design an outfit for Lara

It's competition time again!

Due to popular demand I'm holding an outfit design competition this time. What you guys have to do is digitally illustrate an outfit for Lara using the template below, or some other image that features TR9 Lara. 

(click image to enlarge)

Download full size here: http://pic.driber.net/up/2013/jrszhr_lara.jpg

You can use Photoshop, or GIMP (free software!), MS Paint, or any other program.

You may choose to design outfits in two categories - "adventure clothing" and "after hours".

"Adventure clothing" means a practical outfit for Lara to wear during her missions. You may keep fashion in mind for this category, but the emphasis lays on practicality.

"After hours" refers to casual clothing Lara would wear for recreation, for example during a dinner party, hanging out with friends, a vacation, yoga class, etc. Keep in mind the clothing chosen should still feel true to Lara's character. 

You may also opt to draw your own outfit and scan it / take a photo of it instead, or you may use apps like Polyvore to make collages likethis to show us your ideal outfit for Lara. This is to accommodate those who may not have Photoshop / drawing skills.

In addition to the image, your entry is also required to contain a short paragraph (not more than 150 words) of text describing your thoughts on the outfit; why you opted for each piece, the setting where Lara would wear it, etc. 

Winners will be chosen by the thought they put into the outfit and the accompanying description and not their talent as an artist, although presentation will factor in a bit.

Need some inspiration to get you started? See our Lara outfit suggestion thread for some nice examples of members dressing up Lara.

The core rules are:
  • Maximum 3 entries per person/household
  • Maximum 150 words of text per entry.
  • Post your entry in this thread using http://pic.driber.net/up/ for uploading images.
  • Entry submission deadline: 12 pm CET / 3 am PST on Wednesday October 2, 2013

An outfit design competition calls for fitting prizes. THREE lucky winners will be going on a shopping spree in the Official Tomb Raider Store for clothes! (...and anything else the store has to offer)

"Adventure clothing" category first prize: Tomb Raider Store shopping spree worth $75 USD

"After hours" category first prize: Tomb Raider Store shopping spree worth $75 USD

Runner up prize for the most creative outfit in either category: Tomb Raider Store shopping spree worth $50 USD

That's a grand total of up to 200 dollars worth of prizes!

Prizes donated by CD. And no need to worry about shipping costs - CD will take care of that as well!
How to enter:
Upload images using this link http://pic.driber.net/up (choose "comp #14") and post the BB code inside this thread.
Detailed T&C
  • Maximum 3 entries per person/household
  • Maximum 150 words of text per entry.
  • Post your entry in this thread using http://pic.driber.net/up/ for uploading images.
  • Entry submission deadline: 12 pm CET / 3 am PST on Wednesday October 2, 2013
  • Competition held by Driber. Prizes donated by Crystal Dynamics.
  • Driber reserves the right to extend the deadline and/or cancel the competition at any time without warning or reason.
  • Keep your entry clean, in good taste and in accordance with our FORUM TOU.
  • Your entry may not break any laws.
  • Entries must be in English.
  • In the event of a tie, the person who posted first wins.
  • Contestants can only win 1 prize; not a combination of for example 1st prize and 3rd prize.
  • In cases of suspected fraud, winners are responsible for proving ownership of their entry in order to claim their prize.
  • Winners will be notified via PM or email. Winners must respond with their postal address within 2 weeks of being notified or else their prize may go to another contestant.
  • Judges decisions are final.
Good luck, everyone! 

* * * Forum competition history and previous winners collage * * *

APR 2010: Forum Easter egg hunt | JUL 2011: Guess the number | AUG 2011: Photoshop caption fun | NOV 2011: Meme comp | DEC 2011: Create a Christmas sig
FEB 2012: Create your own V-Day card | MAR 2012: Easter Fun | APR 2012: TR Fan Art "By Hand" | JUL 2012: The Fabulous Destinations of Lara Croft | JUL 2012: post your favorite (funny) screens | SEP 2012: AoD caption contest | OCT 2012: design your own forum banner | DEC 2012:Create a TR Holiday Card | FEB 2013: TR Early Game Contest APR 2013: Funny Caption Contest | JUL 2013: Design an outfit for Lara



By FearEffect.

Download full size: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1gcxy68a14tci59/larapng.png

Also a PSD file of the same image (with layers): https://www.dropbox.com/s/gwg1wwnng5...mplate_psd.psd

By Larafan25

Download full size: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ayod8ps0n...20template.png

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