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Croft Couture #31: Kate

The Tomb Raider fandom is full of talented artists, entertainers, and perhaps most notably, phenomenal cosplay talent. “Croft Couture” aims to showcase these lovely and dedicated women, and give Lara costumers a spot to share their experiences while dressed as gaming’s leading lady.

Most active Tomb Raider community members know Kate, not only for her 10+ Croft costumes, but because she’s one of the franchise’s biggest fans. When she’s not costuming, she’s often sharing out the work of other cosplayers, showcasing fan art, and promoting fellow fan films. Take a look at Kate’s photos above, and read about her adventures below! 

Fast Stats 

  • Name: Kate Sykes
  • Country: United Kingdom 
  • Occupation: Budding Filmmaker 
  • Fan Since: Around 2001
  • Favorite Tomb Raider Game: Tomb Raider (2013)
  • Favorite Non-Lara Tomb Raider Character: Conrad Roth
  • Favorite Tomb Raider Villain: Himiko
  • Number of Lara Croft Costumes: 10
  • First Lara Croft Cosplay: Classic
  • Favorite Lara Croft Cosplay: Tomb Raider: Legend Biker Outfit 
  • Future Lara Croft Cosplay: Tomb Raider: Underworld Wetsuit


What first drew you to the Tomb Raider franchise, and what initially inspired you to cosplay as Lara Croft?

When I was about eight years old, I used to go into my local GAME shop once in a while to pick up a new game to play. I liked playing games with female characters. This, however, normally consisted of various Barbie games, Disney Princess and yes, Mary-Kate and Ashley games - most of them being horse riding ones.

Truthfully, it was the hair that first drew me to the Tomb Raider games. One time, I went into GAME and discovered Tomb Raider III. On the back, it showed a girl with a long brown hair down to her waist (which is how I use to have mine), and that she had a house to walk around in. That’s exactly what I did for a long time after first getting the games. I liked to make up my own story-lines.

I gradually collected the others out of order and then in later years, I started exploring the more athletic side of the games - going on the assault course and discovering what Lara could really do. I suppose it became a way to experience things that I couldn’t do myself (I have Cerebral Palsy and use a wheelchair). I felt like I was with Lara doing it.

It wasn’t until 2007 when I discovered cosplay. I found some videos by Anne Roig and Jenn Finaldi (Jenn Croft). Following that, I discovered pictures by others and I was inspired to try it myself.

What Lara Croft costume did you tackle first?

The costume from the first game. I didn’t do a very good job, though. I had an old school satchel for the backpack. It just shows that you improve over time! 

What is your favorite Lara Croft ensemble?

So far, I’d say the Tomb Raider Legend Biker costume. I think it’s the most accurate one I’ve done. In terms of in the games, I like the costume Lara wears in Tomb Raider (2013) best because of it’s realism; also because of the slight homage to the Classic costume in colour scheme.

What Croft costumes are still on your roster?

There are a number of costumes on my list but the one I think I’ll be doing next is the wetsuit from Tomb Raider: Underworld. 

Which Lara costume was the most difficult to construct? Was it due to a particular garment or prop?

The Underworld wetsuit and its accessories are proving very difficult to construct. It has been on the go for two or more years and we’re still struggling with how to attach the sleeve stripes! 

Lara Croft’s lifestyle is full of intrigue and adventure. Do you have any memorable photoshoots or convention appearances that pay tribute to Lara’s lifestyle?

I suppose so. It wasn’t technically a photoshoot, but in 2008 I attended an assult course day with the Bendrigg Trust and Cumbria Cerebral Palsy Society. I was still a fairly new cosplayer then and so I thought it would be a good opportunity to take some photos/video in costume. I did abseiling for the first time, and naturally, the zip wire. 

Along the same lines, what’s the most exotic location you’ve traveled to?

Probably for my most recent photoshoot which was an orchard in the North of England! 

What about Lara’s physical strength or mental prowess most inspires you? Has this, or your desire to cosplay Lara, influenced your daily life?

To a certain extent, yes, I think so. It inspired me to push my own physical limits and to do things like the abseiling and zip wire. It also inspires me to do the best I can and achieve my own goals in life. 

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