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华纳兄弟影业公司制片总裁杰夫·罗宾福已下令停止制作下一部古墓丽影电影。根据The Wrap的报道,这部电影原本计划由L1N Pictutres工作室制作,但它们已经不再拥有制作版权。
The Wrap评论道:“至于古墓丽影,华纳已不再拥有制作版权。所以即使劳拉·克劳馥真的会重返荧幕继续探险,也不太可能由伯班克*电影工作室来负责发行了。”
*笔者注:“伯班克”——位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县,洛杉矶以北19千米,人口107,921(2007年)。伯班克是华特·迪士尼公司( The Walt Disney Company)总部(headquarter)所在地,包括华纳兄弟( Warner Bros)、美国全国广播公司(NBC)、维亚康姆( Viacom)、美国公共广播公司(PBS)等许多世界著名传媒和娱乐公司均在伯班克设有分支机构。因此,伯班克也被称为“世界媒体之都”(Media Capital of the World)。华纳兄弟影业公司在伯班克拥有占地142英亩的华纳兄弟电影工作室,该工作室被公认全世界第一流的电影电视制作中心,拥有最先进的后制设备与34个摄影棚。
Warner Bros stops Tomb Raider 3 movie production? |
November 28th, 2010 |

Jeff Robinov, president of Warner Bros. Pictures, has ordered to stop the production of the next Tomb Raider movie, that was going to be made by L1N Pictutres, as it has no longer the rights, according to The Wrap. "As for "Tomb Raider," Warners no longer has the rights, so if Lara Croft does find another feature film adventure, it probably won't be released by the Burbank studio.", The Wrap comments. The rights to making a third Tomb Raider movie was part of the deal when Eidos was bought by Square Enix in March 2009. Warner Bros had a 16% stake in Eidos at that point. If the story is true (no confirmation by Square Enix or Warner Bros) then Square Enix has time to go shopping at big studios like Paramount Pictures, who has done the first two movies, if they want to produce it. Let's wait and see... |