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Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2013/06/04 00:00:00  来源:“爱熊座”翻译  作者:Jace  浏览次数:3898  
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英雄点评:KAI手模艺术 劳拉-古墓丽影
Hero Review: [Play Arts Kai] Lara Croft - Tomb Raider

一提到动作冒险游戏,人们自然会想起古墓丽影。当然,同质的游戏有很多,但古墓丽影可被视为的同类游戏先驱并且让劳拉成为冒险动作游戏系列的标志性偶像。The mention of the Action-Adventure genre for games will almost always bring the title Tomb Raider into mind. Sure, there are a lot of games that fall under this type but Tomb Raider may be considered as one of the pioneers, and Lara Croft as an icon for this genre.
作为一个动作冒险多线寻宝射击游戏的死忠粉丝(不仅是游戏,也包括电影),新人像和新故事是难以抗拒的。为了尽快预购Kai的劳拉手办,我冲到游戏商店给了定金预定。总之,向最近安装的游戏中的高清活动人模的新劳拉克劳馥问候了。Being a sucker for action-adventure-slash-treasure-hunting (not only in games, but also in movies!), this figure, along with the new Tomb Raider game was definitely hard to pass up. As soon as the pre-order for the Play Arts Kai of Lara was up, I rushed to the gaming store to reserve this piece of art. Anyway, say hi to the latest hi-def action figure-version of Lara Croft in her latest game installment, Tomb Raider.

在最新的游戏中讲述了劳拉是如何练成一个强悍的盗墓者前的故事,像是在荧幕上一个转枪杆的安吉丽娜·朱莉。在这里,我们了解到劳拉更加人性化,更加淳朴,并且在整个游戏中艰难求生。The latest game is a reimagining of the history of Lara Croft before she became a tough treasure hunter in-game and a gun-flipping Angelina Jolie on-screen. Here, the Lara Croft we all knew was more human, more naïve, and she had a totally rough time surviving throughout the game.

包装及配件 Packaging and Included Accessories

翻开盖子可以看到在外面的手办模型,并且在盖子后面有人物和武器的简短介绍。可视化的包装盒展示了劳拉和她的武器(用油漆标记在塑料膜上)。里面是一块黑色底板镶着劳拉和其他附件被一块透明的塑料包装裹着。显著特征-背后:动作姿态的图像用日语文本和序列号嵌在盒子底部。The box sports the cover flap showing an image of the figure on the outside, and a short write-up about the figure/weapons at the back cover which is typical of the new Play Arts Kai packaging. The windowed box showcases Lara and her weapons (labeled by paint on the plastic window). Inside is a black plastic mold holding Lara and a lot of her accessories covered by a clear plastic. Typical features – rear: images in action stances with Japanese text and of course the serial number embedded at the bottom of the box.

有一样东西我是不喜欢的,就是如何站立和配件的包装方式。盒内的纸板框架被他们的塑料外壳黏上(像阿卡姆疯人院蝙蝠侠的额外斗篷),因此它必须强行撕下来或损毁内里纸板,这只适合那些甚少使用内里卡板站立的收藏者,不适合OC级收藏者。One thing I didn’t particularly like was how the stand and its fixtures were packed. Their plastic casing was glued to the cardboard frame inside the box (like Arkham Asylum Batman’s extra cape) so it’s mandatory to tear/damage the inside cardboard if you want to make use of the stand - minor, but not so to OC collectors. 

当你看到副件的时候就不用担心拿错手办了。也是附件的数量是为了弥补扳手的尺寸,但这仍然是一个受欢迎的举动。手办包括(1)三只额外的手,(2)一个爬山斧,(3)一只手枪,(4)一把****,(5)最后是弓和箭开确保劳拉能够在陌生并且充满敌意的岛上生存。此外还包邮Kai艺术手册。You can never go wrong about getting this figure when it comes to the included accessories. Maybe the quantity of the accessories was meant to compensate for the figure’s size, but it’s still a welcome move. Lara comes with (1) three extra hands, (2) a climbing axe, (3) a handgun, (4) a shotgun, and lastly (5) a bow and arrow to ensure her survivability in that strange and hostile island. The complimentary Play Arts Kai manual is also included.

造型、上色、活动关节 Sculpt, Paint, and Articulation

手办的外观也许只能用精致来形容了。不用怀疑它的造型——既美观又粗狂。或者在手臂上外露的球形接头有点粗糙,在背心造型的情况下是无法掩盖的。Exquisite might be the proper term to describe how the figure looks. No worries about the sculpt – the figure is really pretty and badass at the same time. The exposed ball-joint on her arm might be a little upsetting to some but you can’t really hide that for sleeveless figures such as this one.

我说不准这手模是100%复刻,因为它看起来有着游戏中的劳拉和电影中的安吉丽娜两者特质(是的,我说的是她的嘴唇)。尽管美丽和大坏蛋外貌并存。上色利用轻微差异性更显真实(继续看下去),并且我喜欢给脏脏的涂抹方式,给人一种我就是从地狱回来的生还者的感觉。I can’t say that the figure is 100%-accurate in terms of rendition because it looks like she’s a cross between the game’s Lara Croft and Angelina Jolie (yes, I’m talking about the lips). Still pretty and still badass-looking though. The paint is done very well with a minor exception (read on), and I like the way the smudges were painted on her to give her that dirty, I’ve-gone-to-hell-and-back survivor-look.

我还发现到一部分手模的脸上(糟糕的鼻子、过度艳丽的嘴唇)都存在这些小问题,因此,在购买之前尽量看清楚了。I would also like to note that some of the figures circulating may have minor issues on the face (bad nose, over-painted lips) so it’s probably best to scan the items first before purchasing. 

我相信Square Enix有权炫耀:“它有超过XX个活动关节。”手办的关节点方面做得很好,几乎没有限制的活动意味着可以展示各种各样的造型的。到目前为止我手上的手办还是遇到一些小问题(很可能是独立的):Still boasting the “over xx points of articulation,” I believe Square Enix holds the right to that. The figure is well designed in terms of articulation. Very few limited movements mean hours of playtime posing the figure into different action stances. There are a few minor (and possibly isolated) issues I’ve encountered with the figure so far:

     - 肩关节轴是固定的 Locked shoulder hinge
     - 肩关节的松动的 Loose shoulder joint
     - 躯干油漆脱落 Torso pops off
     - 由于无法闭合的手和松动的肩关节导致不能展示拉弓箭的造型 Difficulty in posing with the bow and arrow because of open hands and loose shoulders.

比例和可玩性 Scale and Playability

说到手办比例,相比起最新的手办(hello MGRR Raiden)有点小,但依然可以适用于部分KAI手办。与KAI的最终幻想系列一起更显魅力。In terms of scale, the figure is small compared to the new releases (hello MGRR Raiden) but still compatible with some of the Play Arts Kai figures. Lara Croft best compares with the Play Arts Kai Dissidia Final Fantasy line.

当然And of course…

我相信总会把神秘海域的内森德雷克拉进来。我很兴奋,其中的原因是他们两位冒险家配合天衣无缝。毕竟两家公司都需要挥枪乱舞、一流的夺宝冒险家。并且肮脏的内森德雷克持枪造型和肮脏的劳拉持枪造型不是很相配吗?还不相信我吗?I believe this is where Uncharted’s Nathan Drake comes in. One of the reasons I was really hyped for Lara Croft is because the two adventurers go perfectly together. Gun-wielding, ass-kicking adventurers-slash-treasure-hunters need each other’s company. And what could very well go with Nathan Drake’s dirty pistol-in-hand survivor look other than Lara Croft’s dirty pistol-in-hand survivor look? Not convinced?

更多劳拉造型.....More Lara Croft:


如果你问我的话,一定要买。特别是做冒险系列(劳拉和内森)。但劳拉一个人是很强大的,再加上附带的配件都是一个大大的加号。总之,想得到她:A must-get, if you ask me. Especially if you want to complete the Adventurers’ Tandem (Lara/Nathan). But Lara Croft alone is kickass. Plus the number of accessories she comes with is a big plus. To sum up, get her if:

     (1) 你是这一系列的粉丝 you’re a fan of the series,
     (2) 你想收集一个穷凶极恶又美丽的手办 you want a badass beauty in your roster of figures,
     (3) 你想为你的目录中得到更好的配件 you want some good accessories for your inventory

包装:5分(5分为满分) Packaging: 5/5
配件:5分 Accessories: 5/5
造型和上色:4分 Sculpt and Paint: 4/5
关节点:4分 Articulation: 4/5
可玩性:4分 Playability: 4/5

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