2018年5月3日官方通过推特公布《古墓丽影》已入选“世界电子游戏名人堂(the World Video Game Hall of Fame)”消息。古墓丽影系列全球总销量已超过6300万份(2017年初本站报道时还只有5800万份), 主角劳拉·克劳馥已成为游戏界最被认可和最具标志性的人物之一。
水晶动力联席主管罗恩·罗森伯格(Ron Rosenberg)和史考特·阿摩司(Scot Amos)同时发视频感谢了广大粉丝。
About Tomb Raider: Combining the best elements of action-adventure games with platform games and puzzle-solving, Tomb Raider (1996) provided gamers with a unique cinematic 3-D universe, leading-edge graphics, and a female protagonist who remains an iconic figure in gaming. Largely thanks to the character of Lara Croft, and Angelina Jolie’s theatrical portrayal of her in a blockbuster movie, Tomb Raider enjoys a widespread appeal among gamers and non-gamers alike, and currently heads a franchise that has sold more than 63 million units worldwide. “The Guinness World Records cites Lara Croft as the ‘most recognized female video game character’ of all time,” says Curator Shannon Symonds. “The character is not without controversy for her early status as a sex symbol, but she’s evolved with the franchise to become the epitome of a strong female hero.”
约翰麦登橄榄球(John Madden Football)
古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)
最终幻想7(Final Fantasy VII)
大金刚(Donkey Kong)
侠盗猎车手3(Grand Theft Auto III)
光环 战争进化(Halo: Combat Evolved)
塞尔达传说(The Legend of Zelda)
俄勒冈之旅(The Oregon Trail Settler)
口袋妖怪 红/绿(Pokemon Red and Green)
模拟人生(The Sims)
刺猬索尼克(Sonic the Hedgehog)
太空侵略者(Space Invaders)
街头霸王2(Street Fighter II)
超级马里奥兄弟(Super Mario Bros.)
魔兽世界(World of Warcraft)