名称:Rise of the Tomb Raider Collector's Edition
适用机型:Xbox One
Developed 开发:Crystal Dynamics(水晶动力)
Published 发行:Square Enix Ltd(史克威尔艾尼克斯)
物件:Xbox one版《古墓丽影10:崛起》游戏光碟、12英寸高的劳拉模型、收藏铁盒、游戏中劳拉所用皮革日记本复制品、游戏中劳拉所戴翡翠吊坠复制品(吊坠为劳拉第一次考古所获,而吊线则是她已故导师康拉德·罗斯所赠)
Rise of the Tomb Raider Collector's Edition
Rise of the Tomb Raider Collector’s Edition is dedicated to the fans looking for meticulous detail and exclusive content created by the developers.
The Rise of the Tomb Raider Collector’s Edition Includes:
•Full retail copy of Rise of the Tomb Raider.
•12”-tall statue of Lara Croft, which depicts her searching for answers on her first Tomb Raiding Expedition.
•Collectible steel case.
•A replica of Lara’s leather in-game journal.
•A model of Lara's Jade Necklace, including the pendant that was her first archeological discovery, and the strap that was given to her by Conrad Roth, her late mentor.
In the critically acclaimed Tomb Raider, Lara Croft survived a harrowing experience only to be discredited as part of a cover up. Now, after uncovering an ancient mystery, Lara must explore the most treacherous and remote regions of Siberia to find the secret of immortality before a ruthless organization known as Trinity. Lara must use her wits and survival skills, form new alliances, and ultimately embrace her destiny as the Tomb Raider.
Experience high-octane action moments, conquer beautifully hostile environments, engage in brutal guerilla combat, and explore awe-inspiring deadly tombs in the evolution of survival action. In Rise of the Tomb Raider, Lara becomes more than a survivor as she embarks on her first great Tomb Raiding expedition.
(Only available to addresses in the United States.)