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Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

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劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
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劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

《古墓丽影:崛起》封面女郎、官方COS劳拉形象大使詹·克劳馥独家专访 Interview with Jenn Croft

发表时间:2016/08/28 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:陈君君(June Chen)  浏览次数:12361  
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【本站相关链接:劳拉中国行“劳拉邦”第一期:詹·克劳馥(Jenn Croft)微软Xbox媒体及玩家开发者见面会


  如果大家关注过国内线上媒体的cosplay报道,一定看到过标题为“史上最危险的Cosplay”的新闻,一张劳拉装扮的COSER悬挂在瀑布边的照片让许多人惊叹,而这名COSER就是我们本次的独家专访主角,古墓丽影官方的COSPLAY劳拉形象大使———詹·克劳馥(JENN CROFT)。詹目前还是一名大学生,但无论外形或性格都酷似劳拉,作为官方COSPLAY劳拉形象大使经常出现在包括前段时间的圣地亚哥动漫展在内的各种官方活动现场,甚至成为了《古墓丽影:崛起》的封面女郎。去年,詹代表官方到中国宣传《古墓丽影:崛起》,并前往明·十三陵和慕田峪长城拍摄COSPLAY作品,本站站长全程陪同并因此与詹成为了好朋友,让我们先来看看本站首次独家曝光的拍摄花絮。
  Do you know who is the model for the beautiful box cover art of “Rise of the tomb raider”? 
  It’s Jenn Croft! This world famous cosplayer – also known as an Official Tomb Raider Cosplay Ambassador that visited China last year for Rise of the Tomb Raider launch events, and we are honored to have her as our special guest this time for an exclusive interview to celebrate Tomb Raider 20 years’ anniversary!  
  In this interview, we will go over her Great Wall photo shooting experience in Beijing, China. And ask her to share her experience about how to be Lara Croft. Whether you are into cosplay of Lara Croft or just a hardcore tomb raider fan, she is bringing every spirit of Lara Croft from the video game to the real world!



  How did you end up in China and How was your experience with the photo shooting in Beijing on Dec. 8th?

  詹:我是被XBOX小组邀请去北京参加宣传活动的,我和梅根一起飞到中国作为劳拉的形象代言会见中国的古墓粉丝,整个经历真是超赞!宣传活动包括随同小组去长城拍摄照片,因为长城是《古墓丽影2》中非常经典的场景。我们的拍摄是从明十三陵开始的,那天很冷,但是拍摄过程非常有趣,一路上我看到了之前只从电视和书上才能见到的中国古迹。哦 我还碰见了一群冬游的小学生,他们都很喜欢劳拉,还要求和我合影呢!当我们抵达长城的时候,我激动得不行了!我对梅根说:“我简直不相信我们来到了中国的长城!这里太美丽啦!” 那天的照片虽然不错,但是我感觉镜头无法捕捉到长城的真实魅力,因为它的壮观对我来说是无法言喻的。这个几千年的古迹目前依然屹立实在是让我惊叹不已。我对长城之行非常难忘,这趟旅行也让我彻底爱上了中国。我非常期待有朝一日再回到中国去看看其他我没有机会领略的长城之景。
   I was asked by the Xbox team to appear as Lara for the Xbox China event in Beijing, so I was flown out with Meagan Marie to appear on a panel and present my portrayal of Lara to the Chinese Tomb Raider fans, which I was more than thrilled to take part in! Along with the show, I was also sent to the Great Wall with an amazing team to capture some Lara shots there, since the Great Wall was such an iconic location in Tomb Raider 2, and fits in with Lara so well. We started at the Ming Tombs and walked around in the cold weather and had such a great time not only shooting the photos, but getting to experience some of the revered Chinese monuments that I have only seen in books and on tv. At one point I even got approached by a group of students on a field trip, who loved Lara and wanted to take pictures with me. When we arrived to the Great Wall, as soon as we got off the gondola, I got so excited I could barely contain myself! I said to Meagan, "I can't believe we're at the Great Wall of China! It's so beautiful!!" The pictures did not do it justice... a camera cannot capture the true beauty of this wall, it was just beyond words for me. This huge wall that was built thousands of years ago and is still around, just amazes me. I was so grateful to have gotten to visit it and it made me fall in love with China. One day I want to go back and see some of the older parts of the wall and learn even more about it. 

  记者: 这是你第一次到北京吗?对北京和中国的印象是怎样的?
  Was it your first time to Beijing? What is your impression of Beijing and China?

  詹:是的,那是我第一次去北京,在这之前,我其实对亚洲和中国文化了解得并不多。我的祖母倒是非常喜欢亚洲文化,我之前还对此不解,直到我本人去了中国,这个经历真是难以言语,就好像去到了另外一个世界一样,丰富的历史文化和魅力。我感觉我到的每一个地方,见到的每一处景色,都得比整个美国古老得多得多,毕竟美国是一个只有几百年历史的国家,而来到这个拥有几千年文化历史而且一切都维护得很好的国度,真的是让我大开眼界。在见证历史的同时我还学习到很多当地的文化,学习的过程也很有趣,因为有机会尝到正宗的中国小吃。我非常惊讶正宗的中国中餐跟美国的是如此不同。宫保鸡丁的味道原来是那样的啊!我在加州肯定是找不到这么正宗的中餐了。 最后我要说的就是热情好客的中国人,每个人都是如此友好慷慨。我感觉中间被友爱包围着,那趟旅行真是毕生难忘,而且永驻我心。这些美好的记忆都是我很想将来有一天能再回到中国,见到好客的中国人的原因。
  Yes, it was my first time to Beijing. I grew up my whole life knowing very little about asian/Chinese culture. My grandmother was very into it and I never understood it. Not until I went there. It's hard to explain.... it's like being in a totally different world, full of history and beauty. It seemed as though everywhere we looked, there was something to look at that was older than the entire United States. Coming from a country where there is only a few hundred years of history, it was quite an experience to go to a place that had thousands of years of history that was so well preserved. Along with the history of it and the learning experience, I had so much fun diving into the culture and getting to try new foods that you can only seem to find in China. I was very surprised to find out how different Chinese food is in China, compared to the USA. It was lovely to find out how Kung Pao chicken is really supposed to taste like, however bittersweet, knowing that I can never find anything like that in California. Lastly, I was blown away by the hospitality of the people in China. Everyone was so friendly and helpful and generous. I was shown such love, and I will never ever forget the experience, as I hold it very near to my heart. Very fond memories were made on that trip and I hope to one day go back to China to see more of it, and see friendly faces once more. 


  We heard that you were selected to be the model of the game cover of Lara Croft, we really like that picture, could you share the photo shooting experience with us? How did you feel to be the Cover Girl Lara? 

  Being the model for the game cover was something I never anticipated. It's still surreal to think of it; that picture was everywhere! At this time I can't share much more about it but hopefully soon more will be revealed about the process and how the renders were created, so be on the lookout for that!

  When did you start cosplaying Lara Croft? Could you talk about your first Lara Croft cosplay experience?

  I first started cosplaying Lara Croft during Halloween of 2001, when I was 16 years old. I wanted to wear a costume to school and decided to be Lara. I was nervous at first, worrying that my classmates would make fun of me but many people recognized me. Unfortunately I lost the costume contest to a guy dressed as a banana but I still had a great time wearing my homemade costume.


  How does Lara Croft inspire you and what kind of special connections do you feel you and Lara Croft have?

  Lara Croft has inspired me in many ways. When I was at a vulnerable age, she taught me that it's ok for a woman to run around alone and independent. She taught me that I could still be a successful person even if I wasn't constantly surrounded by groups of friends. I didn't have to fit into the social norms of society and was free to be the person I wanted to be. As for connections to Lara, I think I share many similarities, such as the desire for adventure, the ability to move past my fears to get what I want, and my strong will and persistence. 

  What is your favorite Lara’s outfit within the classic and reboot?

  My favorite Lara outfit will always be the classic Lara costume, since that's what she wore when I first got in to the series. It is iconic of my first experience with Tomb Raider, and as such carries nostalgia.


  记者:那你更喜欢扮演哪一个版本呢? 经典劳拉还是重启版?
  Which version do you like to cosplay better? The classic Lara Croft or the rebooted Lara Croft?

  詹:两个版本我都喜欢,只不过有不同的原因,很难做取舍。我喜欢去扮演一个更真实、遍体鳞伤的重启版劳拉,因为感觉非常写实。 但是我也喜欢旧版的劳拉,因为更卡通化一些,也鲜亮好玩一些。
   I love to cosplay both the rebooted Lara and the classic Lara for different reasons, and it's difficult to have preference. I do love portraying a realistic, rugged and roughed-up version of Lara through the reboot. I feel like she is more real to me and close to me in this version. The classic Lara is more cartoony and fun and I love the bright colors and classic vibe of the old Lara. 


  We see on your Website that you offer advice on how to make certain elements of Lara’s outfits. Is this something you learned from trial and error, or have you always had a gift for costume design?

  I have definitely NOT had a gift for costume design from the start. It was something I had to practice at, through lots of trial and error. When I was 16 I had no idea how to use a sewing machine or how to build something out of resin or design a sewing pattern. I have probably spent more money on my mistakes in costume crafting than I have on all of my actual finished costumes. I learned tips and tricks through fellow cosplayers and used those to improve my skills over the years. A keen eye to detail and a desire to perfect is what kept me in a constant state of improvement. Each time I build a costume I learn something new, and then want to rebuild it again. I have made probably about 10 versions of classic Lara costume at this point. I love to share what I have learned with other cosplayers so they can create nice costumes and hopefully save more money by learning through my expensive trial and error mistakes, haha.

  记者: 目前为止哪套服饰是你花费时间和金钱最多的?你都是从哪里买到的原材料?
  Which costume did you spend the most time / money on? Where did you get the materials?

  I spent the most time and money on my Rise of the Tomb Raider Lara. To date, it is the most complex and detailed costume, and it took a lot of planning, designing, and patterning before I even started working on it. Part of making a great costume is using the right materials, and leather can get quite expensive, but I was determined to make this some of my best work. With the help of Meagan Marie, we combined forces to make two Rise of the Tomb Raider costumes (one for each of us) that we felt looked very accurate to the renders provided at the time. In all it took about 3.5 months to make, and most of the materials were bought from ebay (lucky finds), and leather materials from our local Tandy Leather Supplier. 

  记者: 除了扮演劳拉·克劳馥,你有没有扮演过其他角色?如果有的话,能提供几张你的其他角色cosplay图片吗?
  Do you cosplay other characters other than Lara Croft? If you do, could you provide a few images of your favorite ones of these characters?

  詹:除了劳拉,我也扮演过其他一些游戏角色,包括《DOTA 2》里的水晶室女(Crystal Maiden)、《暗黑破坏神1》里的弓箭手。不扮演劳拉的时候,我喜欢去扮演一些中世纪身披盔甲的幻想游戏角色,我希望有朝一日能cosplay《巫师3》里的女版巫师。
  I have cosplayed a few other characters besides Lara Croft, including the Crystal Maiden from DOTA2, and the rogue from Diablo 1. When I'm not cosplaying Lara I tend to favor cosplaying medieval fantasy game characters that wear armor. I hope to make a female version of Geralt of Rivia (Witcher 3) one day. 

【古墓丽影中国】《古墓丽影:崛起》封面女郎、官方COS劳拉形象大使独家专访 【古墓丽影中国】《古墓丽影:崛起》封面女郎、官方COS劳拉形象大使独家专访

  记者: 你会跟其他的劳拉cosplayer互相沟通并且交流经验吗?对于在中国想扮演劳拉的COSER,你有没有好的建议给她们?
  Do you communicate with other Lara Croft Cosplayers and share your cosplay experience with each other? What is your suggestion/advise for the Chinese cosplayers who wants to cosplay Lara Croft?

  詹:我与古墓丽影cosplay圈内的人一直保持着联系,这个圈子是我的兴趣起源地,也是我待在这个圈子里的原因。我交了很多知己,我们如同家人一样。这些年来我也一直帮助和参与相关论坛和社交媒体,我为自己可以推广古墓丽影的cosplay感到非常自豪,我的格言是“多多益善”,我总是很期待认识结交新的COSER,大家互相交换经验,彼此支持和鼓励。不管你的性别和年龄,你在这个圈子里永远都是受欢迎的。我对在中国想扮演劳拉的cosplayer的建议是:想做就做!不要让别人的想法去左右你,做你想做的。查阅一些相关资料,官方提供的设计图,还有TombRaiderCosplay.com里有很多cosplay劳拉的教程和建议。Sara LaRochelle有一个10多年的关于cosplay劳拉的网站,她的网站里集合了众多很棒的资料,也有众多COSER的图片供参考。我们一直期待着更多的劳拉cosplayer,请随时加入我们!
  I am in constant communication with a big portion of the Tomb Raider Cosplay community. The community is what got me into this hobby and it's the reason I stay. I have made some very close friends that I consider like family. I have helped moderate forums and social media channels through the years, and I pride myself on promoting Tomb Raider Cosplay as being an inclusive hobby that doesn't discriminate or judge anyone for any reason. My motto is 'the more the merrier', and I am always extremely excited to see/meet new cosplayers, exchange tips, and offer words of encouragement and support. I want this community to be a sanctuary that women, men, girls, and boys, from every walk of life are completely welcomed to. My advice for Chinese cosplayers who want to cosplay Lara Croft: DO it! Don't let anyone stop you if that's what you want to do. Check out the reference material, render pictures, and check out all of our TombRaiderCosplay.com channels for tutorials and ideas. Sara LaRochelle has maintained that site for almost a decade and it is full of great information, as well as gallery space for any Lara Cosplayer who wants her photos displayed there. We are here, waiting for more cosplayers, so please join us!


  How do you like being the official Lara Croft cosplayer representative and ambassador? What is the best experience so far?

  Being the official Lara Croft Cosplay Ambassador for the United States has been such an amazing experience! When I was a teenager I used to be such a fan of the official models and I thought their job was so cool. I never thought that one day I'd be doing a very similar job to that, traveling all over the world to promote the Tomb Raider games. When I agreed to take on the role, I was a bit scared and didn't know what to expect, but I was determined to represent the community as best I could, and use the opportunity to help even more cosplayers around the world with becoming more involved in the community. The best experience so far, has been two things, actually. Getting to travel to Macau to jump off Macau Tower was something that was like a dream come true. Since starting base jumping and skydiving, I have always wanted to incorporate those skills into a Lara Croft photo, so it was a bucket list opportunity that I never thought I'd get to have. To combine two loves: Tomb Raider cosplay and jumping off buildings, was just the best thing ever. The other amazing experience I had was getting to travel to Beijing and see the Great Wall of China. I never expected I would get to travel to one of the most interesting and historical places on Earth, so it was such a huge honor to travel there to represent Tomb Raider, as well as meet some of the amazing Chinese community members, who were so incredibly nice and welcoming... it was a trip I will never forget.

  Thank you for your time and willingness to do this interview, do you have any plans of traveling to China sometime again in the future?

  詹:不客气!我非常想再回到中国 ,去一些上次没有去过地方看看,例如兵马俑,还有成都的大熊猫。我肯定要回去的!
  You are very welcome! I absolutely want to go back to China and see some of the things I didn't get to see the last time I went, such as the terra cotta warriors, and the pandas in Chengdu. One day I will return! 

  Thank you for the interview opportunity! I had fun answering all the questions.


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