古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2016/07/17 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:陈君君(June Chen)   浏览次数:16149  
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About Melonie Mac
[个人主页] [Twitch]

  如果你参加过近期的北美E3电子展或者古墓丽影的官方活动,你可能见过这位活力四射,喜欢COSPLAY劳拉的女孩。如果你是古墓丽影的粉丝,同时也喜欢在Twitch网上收看现场直播,那你肯定知道这位红透网络的美女主播梅隆妮·麦克(Melonie Mac)!这位从2010年开始活跃在北美各大网络,以现场直播游戏的方式成功的累积了上百万的收视率和跟随者。她风趣幽默,言谈极具亲和力,也是本站记者在Youtube和Twitch上最喜欢的主播之一。

  感兴趣的玩家可以到Twitch的网站收看这位美女主播的现场游戏直播,她会在游戏的同时现场跟你做互动交流,网址:https://www.twitch.tv/meloniemac 。如果你准备参加下周的圣地亚哥动漫展,那你将会见到她以劳拉造型出现的身影!



  记者:你是什么时候开始接触古墓丽影游戏的?(When did you start playing Tomb raider game?)

  梅隆妮: 最早是《古墓丽影2》,我当时拿到了一个试玩碟,一下子就被劳拉吸引了,然后把第一部也补上了,从那以后我是每部都不落下。
  (I first started playing Tomb Raider after receiving a demo disc with Tomb Raider 2 on it. I was so inspired by Lara that I just HAD to get the first and second games - my obsession with the series continued from there as I have continued playing every new title onward.)

  记者:你最喜欢古墓丽影哪一部?喜欢的原因是什么?(Which Tomb Raider game is your favorite? Why?)

  梅隆妮: 这个问题不好答,不过真要选的话,那我就选《古墓丽影3》。游戏里的场景非常壮观,我还特别喜欢那些偷药包的小猴子!我觉得第三部里面对游戏的地点设定很突出,从51区,到西太平洋,都是每一个探险家的梦想之地!游戏难度的设计也很合我意。
  (It's a hard call, but ultimately I would have to say Tomb Raider 3 is my favorite in the series. The locations are incredible, and I love the pesky little medipack stealing monkeys! Tomb Raider 3 did an excellent job providing level variety. From Area 51, to the South Pacific, to London, and more - an explorer's dream! I also loved the challenging difficulty.
  I think Rise of the Tomb Raider is definitely one of the greatest as well. The level design is fantastic, and the amount of exploration is unbelievable!)

  记者:你认为劳拉·克劳馥对你带来了什么影响?你觉得自己哪些特质跟劳拉很像?劳拉的哪些特质对你来说是很难具备的?(How does Lara Croft inspire you? Do you see any of your own personality with in Lara Croft? What part of her personality/character do you think would be the hardest to undertake?)

  (Lara Croft has inspired me throughout my life, while growing up and even now as an adult. She is such a strong and independent character, and when times got tough for me, or I was nervous about the risks of chasing my dreams, I thought of Lara Croft's strength and how I could be strong too. I think what I have most in common with Lara is that I never give up when the going gets tough. If I want something, I get it, no matter how many times I have to pick myself up along the way.
  However, in my personality I'm a bit more passive than Lara. She is never afraid to speak her mind, but I'm quite sensitive, so I definitely hold my words sometimes. )

  记者:你是从什么时候开始做网络直播的? 你直播的都是什么样的游戏?我们能把你的直播主页公开给中国的玩家吗?(When did you start streaming? What kind of games are you streaming most about? Can we include your streaming page (such as twitch) to the fans in China?)

  我会直播很多不同种类的游戏,很大部分是一些刚刚上市的新游戏,比如最近的《守望先锋》。哦,还有《英雄联盟》。 当然所有跟古墓丽影有关的游戏(重启版和经典版)我也会直播。
  (I originally started streaming in 2012, but I took some breaks here and there along the way. The past couple years I have definitely been a lot more active on my streams - I have so much fun being able to hang out with people from around the world while gaming! I'm a variety streamer so I like to play a lot of new release titles, and of course anything and everything Tomb Raider (the new games as well as the classics). I also have fun playing some competitive titles like Overwatch and League of Legends.
  And yes, you are welcome to include my streaming page :)


  记者:我注意到当今的游戏世界里有越来越多的女性玩家,很多女性玩家也同时是古墓丽影的忠实粉丝,你认为女性玩家对古墓丽影系列带来了什么变化?对整个电游产业有什么影响吗?(It seems to me there are more and more girls playing video games nowadays, and many of them are Tomb Raider Fans, what is your thoughts about female players impact on the Tomb Raider series and the gaming industry overall?)

  梅隆妮: 我认为现实里玩游戏的女孩子其实要比大家想象的多得多。因为一直以来女性玩家比较保守安静,整个游戏大环境很多时候对女性玩家是不太友好的,我们都遇到过这样那样的性别歧视,这也是很多女性玩家不愿意公开做直播的原因。不过随着游戏产业对女性玩家的支持度和关注力的提高,女性玩家的地位也逐渐上升。当然还是会有一些不友善的玩家说一些难听的话语,但是更多的玩家还是非常支持我们的,因为在游戏世界里,我们都应该以平等的态度去享受游戏给我们带来的乐趣。
  (I think more girls have been playing games than most realize, but they were a bit more quiet about it in the past. The gaming community can be very harsh to females at times, and we deal with a lot of sexist comments. In many ways this is what keeps a lot of female gamers from streaming or being active in the gaming community in general. However, now more than ever the support for female gamers has drastically improved. Of course there are still mean people out there who will say hateful things, but there are a lot of good people who stick up for us and who know that anyone can be a gamer - gender does not change any of that. We are all the same and we should all be happy to share the same passion that is gaming.
  Many female gamers are in fact Tomb Raider fans. I've made lots of friends from the Tomb Raider community over the past 15 years that I have been active on forums, and it is wonderful to see how many people are inspired by Lara. What I think is wonderful about the community is that we are so diverse. Everyone is welcome in the community and we are all a big family. Lara has changed many of our lives in such a positive way and it has brought us all together. ) 

  记者:看你最新的状态是要COSPLAY劳拉参加圣地亚哥的动漫展,对吗? 我们能公开一些你COSPLAY劳拉的照片吗?( It seems you will attend the San Diego Comic Cons and cosplay Lara Croft,  do you mind if we include a few photos of your cosplay as Lara?)

  梅隆妮: 当然可以啦!
  Yes, please do!




  记者:你喜欢旅行吗? 有没有想到将来去中国?( Do you like travel? Any future thoughts of visiting China in the future?)

  (I LOVE to travel! Any time I get to go somewhere new I feel like I am following in Lara's footsteps. I have wanted to visit China for a very long time (thanks to Tomb Raider 2), and when that happens, I will definitely let you know!)

  记者:有没有特别想对中国粉丝说的话?(Do you have any questions or comments you would like to make to your fans here in China?)

  (I just want to say thank you for interviewing me. I have so much love for the Tomb Raider community and I feel like we are all family. Sending all of you in China big hugs and happy smiles! )

  关于更多梅隆妮的信息,请浏览她的官方网站 http://www.meloniemac.com/

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  • 评论人: ip:76.184.*.* 2016/7/18 10:36:25 发表
  • 喜欢twitch的朋友请多多支持她!
  • 评论人: ip:76.184.*.* 2016/7/18 10:35:40 发表
  • Please keep supporting her! She is amazing!
  • 评论人: ip:73.46.*.* 2016/7/18 9:30:03 发表
  • Very Cool!
  • 评论人: ip:73.46.*.* 2016/7/18 9:30:03 发表
  • Very Cool!

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