古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2016/07/13 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:陈君君(June Chen)  浏览次数:9375  
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  古墓丽影官方邀请玩家们拍摄视频畅谈古墓丽影和劳拉对自己的影响,并会选择一些发布出来。官方发布的第一段视频是其后台老板——史克威尔艾尼克斯社长松田洋祐录制的短片,而第二段视频的主角则是今天我们要采访的来自南非的古墓丽影铁杆粉丝诺兰·亚当(Noelle Adams)。让我们先看看她在官方发布视频中都说了什么(以下是视频内容翻译):



  作为一名铁杆粉丝和职业写手,她写了多篇关于劳拉的非官方小说(Fan Fiction),是古墓丽影非官方小说群里收看率最高的作家之一,她的文笔和构思都不亚于专业小说作家,在古墓丽影粉丝小说群里的阅读率很高,很多看过她小说的读者纷纷表示其作品质量远远超越了官方发行的古墓丽影小说。只是因为部分作品是限制级的,本站不予全部公开。感兴趣的玩家可以点击这里找到她所有关于古墓丽影的作品。




About Noelle Adams
[Blogspot] [Fanfiction] [Tumblr]

  大家好,我是诺兰·亚当,笔名pfangirl。在来日本之前,我曾经是名职业的广告策划经理,在广告行业有过十几年的从业经历,现在的我转行在日本教授英语,已经做了两年多了。业余时间我喜欢看电影、漫画、Cosplay,当然还有玩游戏。说到玩游戏,2013年的《古墓丽影9》给我了很多启发,除了对世界历史和文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,也激发了我对写作的热情,我现在的梦想是成为全职的专业作家。大家可以从Twitter, Tumblr, Blogger, Fanfiction.net 等网站联系到我并找到我的作品。
  My name is Noelle Adams, but you'll find me more easily online as  pfangirl on Twitter, Tumblr, Blogger, Fanfiction.net, and so on. I'm a  writer in my mid-30s, with a decade of professional experience as a  copywriter and community manager in the Advertising Industry. I've also been working as an English teacher in Japan for the past 2 years. More importantly, I think, is that I'm a lifelong fangirl. I love film, comics, gaming, cosplay and fantasy in general. After years of going without a fandom to really excite and inspire me, I rediscovered my love for Tomb Raider in 2013. That's been a great fit for me, given my interests in world history, myth and cultural practices - and it really pushed me into fiction writing as a regular activity. My dream now is to write narrative as a full-time job.

  记者:你是从什么时候开始接触古墓丽影游戏的?(When did you start playing Tomb raider game?)

  诺兰: 最早是1997年的古墓丽影第一代,前前后后我大概玩了六七遍。但是后面的几代我没怎么玩。然后2013年版的古墓丽影让我重新拾起了古墓系列,把之前没玩过的几个古墓丽影游戏也补了回来,尤其是水晶动力工作室制作的三部曲系列。(I played the first ever Tomb Raider back in 1997, but even though I played it from start to finish probably 6 or 7 times, I never touched the sequels. I was interested in the Crystal trilogy of games starting with Legend, but again, I didn't actually play when they first came out. It was only with the release of the reboot in 2013 that I returned to the franchise, and proceeded to play a good few of the games I missed.)

  记者:你最喜欢的是哪一部游戏?喜欢的原因?(Which Tomb Raider game is your favorite? Why?)

  诺兰: 这个问题不好回答。 因为核心设计做的几款古墓丽影游戏我接触的不多。所以老实说,“传奇”应该是我最喜欢的,因为那款游戏里集中了我所有喜欢的元素:解谜,角色提升,游戏的掌控,角色服装,劳拉的配音等。另外2013年的《古墓丽影9》也是我的钟爱,我很喜欢重启的这款游戏里对劳拉情感上的表现,当然还有游戏的画面也超级棒。我也会玩手游,《劳拉:遗迹逃亡》和《劳拉Go》都很有趣!(This is a very tough question. Most of the Core Era games I haven't played, to be honest. Hmmm, I actually think I'm going to go with Legend, because for me it has the most satisfying mix of elements - puzzles, stage traversal, accessible controls, outfits, graphical beauty, and I do love the Keeley Hawes Lara. Otherwise, Tomb Raider 2013 because of its incredibly strong emotional hook for players, and the breathtaking visuals. Oh, and I played the mobile games, Relic Run and Lara Croft GO to death. So much fun.)

  记者:古墓丽影/劳拉对你最大的影响是什么?(How Tomb Raider/ Lara  inspires you?)

  诺兰: 我觉得劳拉·克劳馥对我最大的影响是她的勇气。她不是什么超级英雄,但是又不可阻挡,她意志坚定,不理会世俗,我希望我也有她那种无畏无惧的勇气。另外她的独立性也是我很欣赏的,不管从那个角度说我都把她看成是一个很完美的偶像。(I think Lara Croft's bravery is the biggest inspiration for me. She's not a superhero, but nothing will stop her. She's incredibly determined. She routinely goes against convention, and is open to alternate ways of thinking/living, and I wish I had that courage not to care about what everyone else is doing. Her self-sufficiency is also really inspiring. I mean she is both physically accomplished and cerebral. She's an all-rounder in life and I definitely find her a role-model in that regard.)

  记者:为什么选择日本作为你的探险之旅?你在日本做什么工作呢?(Why you choose to go to Japan as your adventure trip? What did you do there?)

  诺兰:是这样的,在做了多年的广告行业后,我感觉有些身心疲惫,很想为自己做一些改变。正好那时我周边认识的朋友谈起过他们的一些旅行经历,于是我就申请了JET项目,这是有关日本国际英语教育和文化交流的一个项目。对于很多受过高等教育的南非学生来说,去亚洲和南美洲国家做外教是不错的选择,因为你可以一边旅游一边赚钱,JET又是一个非常安全可靠的项目,薪水不错,对于女孩子来说我也不用担心一些安全问题。总而言之,我就这样来到了日本做了2年的高中英文助教,我的学生年龄段在15-18岁。学校假期期间,我会用来安排一些自助游,我已经去了日本很多地方,从寒冷的北海道到热带风情的冲绳。我今年还去过韩国的首尔。(Basically, following a decade of working in Advertising, I felt creatively burnt out and was looking for a change. After friends raved about their experience, I applied for the JET Programme, which is an international programme for English education and cultural exchange in Japan. English teaching in Asia and South America is a popular option for many university-educated South Africans looking to earn some money while travelling and experiencing a completely different way of life. JET is one of the most respectable and safe programmes to offer this. The money is good, and you don't have to worry about horror stories like being locked into an abusive contract or having your passport taken away from you by your employers. So, anyway, for 2 years I have been working as an Assistant Language Teacher at a Senior High School level, teaching English to Japanese teenagers aged 15-18. During school holidays, I have managed to travel and experience a lot of Japan, from the Sapporo Snow Festival in

 Hokkaido to the tropical beaches of Okinawa. I also briefly got to explore Seoul in Korea.)

  记者:你写关于古墓丽影粉丝小说有多久了,你最喜欢自己写的哪个故事? (How long have you been writing fictions about Tomb Raider? Which piece is your favorite?)

  诺兰: 我是从2013年开始写的,重启版的古墓丽影9给我带来了很多写作的灵感。我最喜欢的当然是我的长篇小说《更易逃离(Easier to Run)》。除此之外另外一个连载小说是关于劳拉、珊和阿曼达的故事《Sometimes It's Just Like That》也挺受欢迎。如果想读动作感强的故事的话,那我推荐读《静水(Still Waters)》,这个故事我综合了经典劳拉和重启版的劳拉,合二为一。(I started writing Tomb Raider fan fiction in 2013 after the reboot won my heart and mind. My favourite of the fics? Obviously I am most proud of Easier to Run, given it is a finished novel-length story. The story I revisit the most though is probably the Lara-Sam-Amanda set of chapters in the Sometimes It's Just Like That series of shorts. And in terms of immersive description and action, I'm proud of undersea adventure Still Waters, which melds Reboot and Classic Lara.)

  记者:看你的头像,你好像做过一些劳拉的Cosplay?能为我们附上一些你做Cosplay劳拉的照片吗? (From looking at your profile photo, seems you are also doing cosplay of Lara, do you mind include a few photos of your cosplay as Lara?)

  诺兰: 请随便挑。






  记者:你未来的旅行计划中有没有考虑来中国?(Any future thoughts of visiting China as part of your adventure?)

  诺兰:当然有。我一直非常想去看西安兵马俑。当然我也想看长城和故宫,还有苏州,丝绸之路这些地方(也想去上海,澳门和香港看看)。我喜欢美食,如果我到这些地方一定要去尝尝正宗小吃!(Absolutely I would love to come to China. The Terracotta Army has been on my Bucket List for years, and obviously I would like to see the Great Wall and Forbidden City, along with Suzhou, and a few other visually striking places (Shanghai, the Macau and Hong Kong territories). I'm also a food tourist, so I would jump at the chance to sample authentic local cuisine.)

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