古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

“Play For Japan”——一个游戏界的赈灾活动

发表时间:2011/04/13 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:3973  
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www.playforjapan.org 网站正在为援助日本灾区进行义拍活动,官方的相关介绍如下:




此次「Play For Japan」義賣的唯一目的,就是將這股熱情和善心化為賑災活動。本網站提供幾個慈善單位的連結讓您直接捐款。這些都是在日本從事救援工作的合法單位。您也能找到世界各地舉辦的其他募款義賣活動。另外還有意見園地,供遊戲界人士對這次危機和重建工作抒發感想。

我們在此感謝所有提供物品、拉廣告、銷售、下標、撰文、攝影和協助宣傳的人。沒有你們,Play For Japan義賣活動就只是空談。謝謝各位。



  • Billy Berghammer
  • Elisa Di Fiore
  • Sonia Im
  • Sterling McGarvey
  • Christian Nutt
  • Andrew Pfister
  • Meagan Marie

美工、標章設計:Seana Lyn Mickols。特別感謝初期協調人員:Rick Curnutte、Darren Gladstone、Justin Keeling、Sam Kennedy、Garnett Lee、Lisa Mason、Thu Nguyen、Adam Pfister、Andrew Vestal。

另外要特別感謝負責翻譯的專業譯者:4-Real Intermedia GmbH, APlay Translations, Jesús Calzado, Fong-Chyi Wen, Gloc.it, Zeki Ilker Dogan, Sandra Monferrer, Céline Odo, Kai Oehler, Synthesis International, Ken Yoneda Le.

Email: contact@playforjapan.orgauctions@playforjapan.org | album@playforjapan.org
Twitter: @PlayForJPN / #playforjapan
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/playforjapan
Tumblr: http://playforjapan.tumblr.com







Game Informer Tomb Raider edition signed by the devteam 

物品状态: 全新 
拍卖结束时间: 2011年3月29日 14点50分18秒(美国时间)  
出价次数: 28 次  
成交价格: 172.55 美元 


Calling all Tomb Raider fans,
Help us raise some money along with our #playforjapan colleagues.

This is a mint condition copy of the Tomb Raider announcement issue of Game Informer signed by the lead TR dev team.

We aint gonna do many of these......you know you want it!


This auction is part of the Play For Japan campaign, a video game industry initiative to raise money for earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan. To find more info on this initiative, and to learn how to participate, visit us at http://www.playforjapan.org.

100% of the profit from this auction is being donated to the American Red Cross relief efforts in Japan on behalf of Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix

Your gift to the American Red Cross will support our disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. On those rare occasions when donations exceed American Red Cross expenses for a specific disaster, contributions are used to prepare for and serve victims of other disasters




Rare Limited Edition 'Art of Tomb Raider' book signed
Unnumbered one-off Limited edition signed by Toby Gard 

物品状态: 全新 
拍卖结束时间: 2011年3月29日 14点14分42秒(美国时间)  
出价次数: 72 次  
成交价格: 870.00 美元 


Calling all Tomb Raider fans,
Help us raise some money along with our #playforjapan colleagues.

This is a mint Limited Edition condition copy of 'The Art of Tomb Raider'
The art of Tomb Raider is the first book to present every significant piece of Tomb Raider art from all of the games and adventures of Lara Croft. This gallery of art is presented in two massive volumes.
There was only 26 of these created and this particular one is the ORIGINAL 1st EVER COPY signed by Lara Croft's original creator Toby Gard without a number assigned on the signature page.

Here's the link to the publishers site for more information.

Happy bidding.

More info:

The Art of Tomb Raider is the first book to present every signifcant piece of Tomb Raider art from all the games and adventures of Lara Croft. This gallery of art is presented in a two volume, 568 page book. Volume 1 chronicles Tomb Raider through Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness. Volume 2 chronicles Tomb Raider: Legend through Tomb Raider: Underworld. The two volume set is house in a slipcase.

See the first ever sketches of Lara Croft by Toby Gard, unreleased concept art, storyboards and promotional art and fascinating insights into the evolution of design and visualization of all the Tomb Raider games.

Limited to only 26 "Lettered" copies. This edition is cloth bound and embossed with a silhouette of Lara on both the books and slip case. A signature page with some of Toby Gard's Lara concept designs and hand signed by Toby Gard imself. This edition also comes with two pieces for original one-of-a-kind art from concept artist James Kenny and Daniel Cabuco drawn specifically for this edition of the Art of Tomb Raider.

This auction is part of the Play For Japan campaign, a video game industry initiative to raise money for earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan. To find more info on this initiative, and to learn how to participate, visit us at http://www.playforjapan.org.

100% of the profit from this auction is being donated to the American Red Cross relief efforts in Japan on behalf of Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix

Your gift to the American Red Cross will support our disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. On those rare occasions when donations exceed American Red Cross expenses for a specific disaster, contributions are used to prepare for and serve victims of other disasters


在2010年E3上参展Xbox 360 Summer of Arcade的4台《劳拉与光之守护者》Xbox 360 Arcade Unit之一


Play for Japan: Lara Croft Xbox 360 Arcade Unit
Guardian of light unit signed by the LCGOL Dev tem 

物品状态: 被使用过 
拍卖结束时间: 2011年4月13日 14点50分40秒(美国时间)  
出价次数: 33 次  
成交价格: 4550.00 美元 


You are bidding on a Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Xbox 360 promotional Arcade unit.

This unit (one of only 4) was created to promote our awesome Xbox 360 Summer of Arcade hit title at E3 2010.
Once it was finished being used at E3 it was then signed by the Dev team and boxed up for a special day just like this one.
Of the four created. two were given away to lucky TR fans and one remains in the studio ( these are the images supplied above). This one is all boxed up in storage ready to be shipped.
It stands at little under 7 foot tall.

The units were built from scratch.
They come complete with an
- Xbox 360 retail kit inside (with a copy of LCGOL installed of course!)
- HD monitor
- Surround sound system (with external remote) that extends from the front of the unit to sit right behind your head as you play.

We even went as far as to have instal a faux coin insets panel on the front.
As you can see from the images the faceplate has two Xbox 360 controllers firmly fixed in place.

This unit is HEAVY, and will cost a few hundred dollars to ship within the United State.
So although we would love nothing better than to ship it to a lucky winner outside of the US please consider the cost of freight should you wish to bid.

Also, this is a PROMOTIONAL UNIT, so the Xbox and surround sound system are strapped inside the unit. It is not set up like a retail unit you would find at an Arcade store (which means you could take the retail kit our and swap it for something else should you choose)

There is a reserve price set on this Arcade unit, as it is worth a few cents and should help raise a significant amount of them for the Play for Japan charity. Should it not be won on Ebay we will sell it privately elsewhere and donate the money to the Red Cross on Play For Japan behalf.

Thanks for looking.
Should you have any general questions send them to me on Twitter via @crystaldkarl.
If you wish to bid outside of the US and want to get a freight estimate send me a message via EBAY message boards.

Happy bidding from all at Crystal Dynamics

This is a verified Play For Japan auction: http://playforjapan.org/2011/04/06/auction-lara-croft-xbox-360-arcade-unit/

This auction is part of the Play For Japan campaign, a video game industry initiative to raise money for earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan. To find more info on this initiative, and to learn how to participate, visit us at http://www.playforjapan.org.

不得不说,【古墓丽影中国】错过了一次很好的收藏机会。由于得到消息的时间太晚了,前面两个物品没有机会参与拍买。而第三项实在太大了,我拍的时候很犹豫,我非常担心通不过中国的海关。不过就算这样我还是参与了出价,只不过介绍中的这段特别提醒:“This unit is HEAVY, and will cost a few hundred dollars to ship within the United State. So although we would love nothing better than to ship it to a lucky winner outside of the US please consider the cost of freight should you wish to bid.”让我又为运费犹豫了……祝福那些好运的家伙吧……现在已经4点半了,我等不到最后的出价了……很沮丧,我不得不放弃这个可能运费大于物品本身价值的拍卖,毕竟只有自己一个人,必须得分配好费用以便购买更有价值的藏品。明早再来看看谁成了又一个幸运儿吧。


绝对让人不能相信的成交价格(难道是我没有睡醒?)!——4550美元?比古墓丽影漫画单幅全彩原稿的价格还贵?不得不庆幸昨晚因放弃而提前了一个多小时去休息,否则按照自己认为的950美元极限出价根本就是浪费时间。现在再来看看出价记录,有几点还是比较有趣的:1、我昨晚出价两次都被a***l 超过了,但其实他出的最高价只比我多10美元;2、c***t 和9***1都绝对是神人,在没有激烈竞价的情况下,两位都是将最后的出价直接从860美元拉到了4500美元;3、这两位神人的出价风格和我相同——最后几秒出最高价;4、由于这个商品是设定了保底价的,个人怀疑c***t 和9***1是知情人士,拍卖或许只是表达一份爱心吧。


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