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  Creepiest Enemies in Tomb Raider as Chosen by the Fans

  Oct 31, 2024

  Throughout her adventures, Lara Croft has had her share of scary encounters with enemies. From mummies with sunken eyes and decaying figures, to heart-pounding, unexpected chases by crocodiles underwater - which of these monsters has made fans' skin crawl the most? We asked the fanbase across Twitter and Facebook to weigh in on the creepiest enemies that they’ve battled in the franchise. 

  5. 精神病院病人
  5. The Sanitarium Inmates 

  Appearances: Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness

05 精神病院病人
05 The Sanitarium Inmates

  Their erratic behavior makes the Sanitarium Inmates some of the creepiest enemies in the Tomb Raider franchise. Encountered in dimly lit, claustrophobic environments of the sub-levels of Strahov, these unfortunate souls embody failed experiments. Their disjointed movements and unsettling moans create an atmosphere of dread, as players must navigate through the eerie corridors with heightened alertness. 

  4. 霸王龙
  4. T-Rex 

  Appearances: Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider III and Tomb Raider: Anniversary 

04 霸王龙
04 T-Rex

  One of the franchise’s most iconic moments, the T-Rex encounter is a breathtaking blend of prehistoric dread and adventurous tomb exploration. Players first face this massive dinosaur in a vibrant jungle setting, where its huge size and instant death bite attack create an exhilarating battle. While the encounter in Tomb Raider II can be overlooked, the T-Rex in Tomb Raider III proves to be the toughest to overcome.  

  3. 巨型蜘蛛
  3. Giant Spiders 

  Appearances: Tomb Raider II and Tomb Raider: Underworld 

03 巨型蜘蛛
03 Giant Spiders

  The fear of Spiders begins when players first encounter these oversized arachnids in the shadowy caverns of Tomb Raider II’s Temple of Xian. The next time we encounter them is in Tomb Raider: Underworld, where they return in their larger form in the Mayan underground Xibalba and the Jan Mayen Island. 

  2. 雪人
  2. Yetis 

  Appearances: Tomb Raider II 

02 雪人
02 Yetis

  The Yetis are massive creatures known for their terrifying growls and fearless nature, relentlessly pursuing Lara and demanding quick reactions from players. They can unexpectedly emerge from behind corners, catching players off guard and increasing the tension in the snowy Tibetan levels of Tomb Raider II. These creepy foes can withstand severe damage before being defeated. 

  1. 亚特兰蒂斯半身巨怪
  1. Atlanteans 

  Appearances: Tomb Raider and Tomb Raider: Anniversary 

01 亚特兰蒂斯半身巨怪
01 Atlanteans

  The Atlanteans have a very unsettling, fleshy appearance as oversized mutants. The Atlanteans rush at high speeds to attack Lara or shoot fireballs and darts at her. With a large amount of health, they can inflict heavy damage to Lara. To make matters worse, when they are defeated, their bodies explode into many pieces which can further harm Lara if she’s in the way of their hazardous, flying body parts. 

  Honorable Mention: Winston the Butler 

  Appearances: Tomb Raider II, Tomb Raider III, Tomb Raider: Legend, and Tomb Raider: Anniversary 

01 温斯顿
01 Winston

  Even though he is not an enemy of Lara’s, Winston the Butler has earned an honorable mention due to his uncanny presence in Croft Manor. He is often remembered for following Lara around the estate, holding a tray of tea with an eerie stare on his face. His persistent footsteps and the rattling of the tea set create an unsettling atmosphere, especially when exploring the quiet corners of the mansion. 

  What makes him particularly memorable is his ability to appear unexpectedly, often startling players who are solving puzzles or exploring new rooms. Many players have humorously attempted to trap Winston in the walk-in freezer just to get a moment of peace, adding to his quirky yet creepy legacy in the Tomb Raider series. 

  这些敌人各自为古墓丽影系列带来了令人毛骨悚然的挑战,让玩家在应对每一场激动人心的战斗时都保持警惕!玩家可以在2025年2月14日正式发布的《古墓丽影IV-VI复刻版》中再次以新形态面对精神病院病人。现在可在Nintendo SwitchPlayStation®5PlayStation®4、Xbox Series X|S、Xbox OneSteamEpic Games Store以及GOG的PC平台上进行预购,在Switch、PlayStation、Steam和GOG平台上,预购截止至游戏发售前均可享受10%的折扣!
  Each of these foes brings their own spine-tingling challenges to the Tomb Raider saga, keeping players on their toes as they tackle every adrenaline-packed battle! Players can face the Sanitarium Inmates again in a new form in Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered, which officially releases on February 14, 2025. Pre-order now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC via Steam, the Epic Games Store and GOG, with a 10% discount available until launch on Switch, PlayStation, Steam and GOG! 

  So, which of these creepy monsters gives you goosebumps? Check out what other players are saying below! 

  Favorite Comments:

  “TR Underworld Giant Albino Spiders were always a nasty enemy to deal with.” - @Apollo_353

  “Atlanteans were nightmare fuel.” - @CaptainTomlas

  “From the entire franchise I feel that these RX-Tech Mutants and the Sanitarium Inmates are the creepiest.” - @tarashome

  “Something about the original torso boss is just so unsettling to me.” - @Varia31

  “The Sea Serpent from Tomb Raider Legend terrified me for years.” - @veautifulrose

  “Every. Single. Spider.” - @Ericketeer

  “C’mon guys, you all know Winston was by far the scariest…” - @thewolfshinobii

  “Crocodiles and sharks creeping out of nowhere underwater gave me panic attacks. And those TR II yetis in the dark didn’t help, either!” – Chris

  “As a kid, I genuinely screamed the first time that the T Rex first came round the corner in the original game. Haha” - Wayne

  “Mine would have to be the mummies in the OG…the screech they made haunted me as a kid…love them now tho oddly enough.” – Ralph Pratt

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