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Shadow of the Tomb Raider

2021年3月12日官方博客 - 25周年庆:寻宝猎人 - 古墓丽影2[Bilingual]

发表时间:2021/03/20 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“Sim”翻译  浏览次数:4199  
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Treasure Hunters: Tomb Raider II

  欢迎来到25周年庆祝活动博客的新专栏——寻宝猎人!我是罗德里戈·马丁·桑托斯(Rodrigo Martin Santos),古墓丽影收藏大全网的网站管理员,在接下来的几个月里,我们将分析研究许多不同的《古墓丽影》系列周边和纪念品。
  Welcome to a new feature on the 25th anniversary celebration blog site - Treasure Hunters! I am Rodrigo Martin Santos, webmaster of TombRaiderCollection.com and for the next few months we will be analyzing different objects and memorabilia of the franchise.

  These blogs will be dedicated particularly to those staunch fans of Lara Croft so I want to go a step further and analyze official merchandising that are really rare or that have a cultural value within the history of Tomb Raider, and of course of the gaming industry.

  The blogs will dedicate each month to a different character or game from the series. The objects that we will describe will not be limited to the launch year of the video game itself, but will be contained and inspired by the aesthetic features of the game to be analyzed.

  Today we will start the section with Tomb Raider II, the second video game in the franchise that officially went on sale on October 31, 1997.

  《古墓丽影》系列于1996年推出,其销售成绩令人瞩目(《古墓丽影1》售出700万份),Eidos Interactive公司(英国著名游戏公司)希望在其续作《古墓丽影2》(1997)中重复这一成功模式,该续作的销量与上一部作品相当。
  After the Tomb Raider franchise took off in 1996 and reached a resounding sales success (7 million units sold from the first game), Eidos Interactive wanted to repeat the formula for success with its sequel "TOMB RAIDER II" (1997) that managed to match the number of units sold of its predecessor.

  Lara Croft was becoming an icon that transcended the world of video games and sneaked into popular culture, encompassing other areas of entertainment mediums. To her fans, Lara was not just a character but a celebrity.

  Lara managed to become the first human-like cybernetic character to jump from a video game to start selling products that were moving further and further away from the reason for which she had been created. Different brands used picked up her fame to market their products thanks to the image that Lara Croft projected and the values that she represented. Inspired by Disney's business model, the company actually began to capture the face of Lara Croft in different merchandising sub-products. This was something really unusual in the gaming world and that over the years would find its market niche causing an explosion of content that today is the most normal. 

  除了发售电子游戏,越来越多的机会开始涌现,劳拉·克劳馥现在能够销售手办、t恤、钢笔、电脑产品,甚至有由官方模特罗娜·迈特拉(Rhona Mitra)灌制的个人音乐唱片,此外还与其他各类广告开展合作。
  After video game sales came more opportunities, Lara Croft was now able to sell figures, t-shirts, pens, computer products, even her own musical CD played by model Rhona Mitra - as well as collaborations with advertising contracts. 

  We will analyze some of their products inspired by TOMB RAIDER II below!


  First European edition of Tomb Raider II (1997) for PC.   

  图中这套游戏由核心设计工作室开发团队亲笔签名:加文·拉默里(Gavin Rummery,首席程序员)和海勒·吉布森(Heather Gibson,关卡设计师),以及劳拉·克劳馥的第二位女配音员朱迪斯·吉宾斯(Judith Gibbins)。
  This copy was signed in person by the Core Design development team: Gavin Rummery (Lead Programmer) and Heather Gibson (Level Designer), as well Lara Croft´s 2nd voice actress, Judith Gibbins.


  Mymax Computer Collection

  One of the first merchandising products developed by the British company Mymax under the Eidos Interactive license was a collection of computer peripherals for PCs. The complete collection consisted of: Mousemats, a CD Wallet, Mouse House, Wrist Rest, Mouse and Joypad.


  Golden Tornarsuk Mask Replica

  Based on the Gold version of Tomb Raider II with five bonus levels titled "Golden Mask", this replica of the Tornarsuk Golden Mask artifact is made of 9k gold and was part of a promotional campaign for those who bought the rerelease in 1999. Some game boxes contained a winning ticket, and if you received one, you had the chance to answer trivia questions for a chance to win this replica. The mask was one of many bonus prize packages.

  一共只有15个黄金面具,菲尔·坎贝尔(Phil Campbell,项目负责人)拥有其中一个。带支架的黄金面具高11英寸(28厘米)。
  There are only 15 masks total, with Phil Campbell (project leader) owning one of them. The mask with the stand is 11 inches tall (28 cm).


  1997 Promotional poster for Tomb Raider II   

  该海报当时由开发团队亲笔签名。这些签名由黄金制成,分别是:加文·拉默里(Gavin Rummery,首席程序员)、尼尔·博伊德(Neal Boyd,关卡设计师)、斯图尔特·阿特金森(Stuart Atkinson,首席动画师)、乔斯·查梅特(Joss Charmet,角色模型师)和杰森“JJ”高斯林(Jason“JJ”Gosling,程序员)。不幸的是,尼尔·博伊德(Neal Boyd,关卡设计师)近期于2020年3月7日去世——他因在《古墓丽影1》和《古墓丽影2》中的杰出作品而被人们铭记。
  This poster was signed in person at the time by the development team. The signatures, made in gold, correspond to: Gavin Rummery (Lead Programmer), Neal Boyd (Level Designer), Stuart Atkinson (Lead Animator), Joss Charmet   (Character Models) and Jason “JJ” Gosling (Programmer). Unfortunately, Neal Boyd recently passed away on March 7, 2020 - he is remembered for his amazing work on Tomb Raider I and Tomb Raider II.


  Original Sola Wetsuit

  《古墓丽影2》里劳拉·克劳馥在水下关卡中使用的潜水服,设计灵感最初就来自于这件潜水服。它属于1980年成立的索拉体育有限公司(Sola Sports Ltd),这款潜水服于1997年设计,由于其款式设计的成功,当然还有《古墓丽影》电子游戏的成功,该款潜水衣在几年后共再版了3个类似的款式。本图展示的潜水服是第一版。
  This was the original wetsuit that inspired the design of the one used by Lara Croft in the underwater levels of Tomb Raider II. Belonging to the Sola Sports Ltd company founded in 1980, this wetsuit was designed in 1997 and had up to 3 similar reissues years later due to the success of its design and of course that of the video game. The image shows the first edition.

  艺夺公司和索拉体育(Sola Sports)之间并没有直接的合作,《古墓丽影》的程序员直接照搬了潜水服的款式设计。在游戏的测试版中,劳拉还没有穿上这种款式设计的潜水服,而是穿着一件末端有红色条纹的黑色潜水服。在最终版的人物模型中,穿着SOLA潜水服的模型取而代之,就如如今所有粉丝知道的那样,在那几个水下关卡的色调的映衬下,SOLA潜水服更具视觉吸引力和现代感。
  There was no direct collaboration between Eidos Interactive and Sola Sports, the programmers simply used the design. In the beta edition of the game, Lara was not even wearing this design, she was wearing a black wetsuit with red stripes on the ends. That model ended up being replaced in the final version by the SOLA one that all fans know today because it was more visually attractive and modern combined with the color palette of the levels.


  Original Lara Croft Costume 

  官方模特、女演员罗娜·迈特拉(Rhona Mitra)曾在1997年和1998年初的活动中扮演劳拉·克劳馥,她当时穿着了该原版劳拉服装。
  The original Lara costumed was used by the model and actress Rhona Mitra who portrayed Lara Croft at events during 1997 and early 1998.

  This outfit also served as a decoration for many years in Core Design's offices in Derby until its closure.

  来自英国汉普郡的模特罗娜·迈特拉(Rhona Mitra)在21岁时被Eidos Interactive公司选中,取代了前任劳拉娜塔莉·库克(Nathalie Cook)。
  The British model Rhona Mitra from Hampshire was selected by Eidos Interactive when she was 21 years old and after replacing her previous namesake, Nathalie Cook.

  随后,罗娜·迈特拉(Rhona Mitra)以劳拉·克劳馥的身份录制了一张音乐专辑,这张专辑由戴夫·斯图尔特(Dave Stewart)制作,Naked Record唱片公司录制,共有11首歌曲和2首单曲。据罗娜·迈特拉(Rhona Mitra)说,这张专辑是在牙买加和亚马逊河上录制的。
  Rhona Mitra went on to record a musical album like Lara Croft that was produced by Dave Stewart and recorded under the Naked Record label with 11 songs plus 2 singles. The album was recorded in Jamaica and on the Amazon River, according to the actress.


  Resin figure model painting kit

  This resin figure model painting kit was made by Studio Oxmox in 1997 for Eidos Interactive. We can see Lara Croft kneeling with her pistols drawn as an attack with a rocky base where she has the Dragon of Xian engraved.

  There was another version similar to this one but with a mummy that was never marketed because it was too big. This figure had a really limited run and nowadays it is practically impossible to get. In the last 15 years, counterfeit versions have appeared on the internet that sold the same kit, however the main differences between the counterfeit copies and the original lie mainly in these three aspects:

  · 山寨版模型的底座是平的,而正品的底座是中空的。
  · The base of the counterfeit statue is flat while the original is hollow.

  · 山寨版的岩石细节不够精细,而正品的底座边缘的细节也是精心打造的。
  · Rock details are less elaborate in the counterfeit version, the original version features finely crafted details at the ends of the base.

  · 山寨版的手枪的顶端没有枪管。
  · Pistols of the counterfeit version do not have a barrel at the end.

  I hope you enjoyed taking a look at some of the older and rarer Tomb Raider II merch and hope to see you next month! Join me as I go over curious details of the memorabilia behind Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft (1998). Until next time!

  ZZer注:此文的作者是来自西班牙的收藏家罗德里戈·马丁(Rodrigo Martin),本站古墓丽影世界探访系列中就曾采访过他(点击阅读)。


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