古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


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Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 10/3/13

Check out what’s going on in the community this week! 

Portal Lara’s Backpack [Link]

Portal Lara’s Backpack turned two years old this week, and celebrated with a new website design. Congrats to the team, and thanks for your hard work!

Music of Tomb Raider [Link]
New Zealand

The MOTR team dissects another musical rarity in conceptual pieces from Tomb Raider: Ascension. Worth a listen - your ears will thank you!

Till next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 7/12/13
Check out what’s going on in the community this week! 

TRScion [Link]

TRScion just revamped their website - you can see a preview above! Check out the new look in full here

The Croft Tomb [Link]

The Croft Tomb just launched new forums - for those of you who speak Portuguese, you can chat about TR here!

Till next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 6/28/2013

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

The Music of Tomb Raider [Link]

New Zealand

MoTR turned 2 years old! For the occasion, the team published a big recap of the past year. Take a look, you might have missed one of the events, and it’s always good to catch up!

From now on, the website is also publishing fan submissions! If you ever composed, arranged or remixed a track related to Tomb Raider, feel free to contact the teamhere!

AllGame: Tomb Raider [Link]

Another anniversary to celebrate! AllGame: Tomb Raider turned 6 years old! For the occasion, the team published an article about the evolution of Lara Croft. Check it out!

Lara Croft BR [Link]

There must be something Tomb Raider in the air of June, because Lara Croft BR is also celebrating. The website recently turned 1 year old. Congratulations to the team!

Till next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 5/10/13
Check out what’s going on in the community this week! 

Tomb Raider Italia [Link]

Congratulations are in order! Fansite Tomb Raider Italia recently turned seven years old. Thank you for so many years of dedication to Tomb Raider and Lara Croft! You can spy a little video (in Italian) celebrating the occasion here

TRScion [Link] 
A second happy birthday is in order! TRScion also recently turned seven years old. Again, congrats and thank you for your continued support TRScion!
Tomb Raider Italy [Link] 
Tomb Raider Italy recently attended a Tomb Raider event at Vigamus, the Video Game Museum of Rome, and shared photos and video of the gathering here. Take a look!

Miss Lara Croft Web [Link] 
Tomb Raider superfan and ocassional guest blogger Kate Sykes was recently interviewed about her cosplay endeavors for Miss Lara Croft Web. Take a read!

Cherry Kites [Link
Not an official Fansite update, but blog Cherry Kites recently shared an interview with fantastic Tomb Raider fanartist Tansy Appleby. It dips into her inspiration for illustrating Lara. 
Till next time! 


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 4/5/13

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Tomb Raider Italia [Link] 

Tomb Raider Italia has been gathering photos of fans celebrating launch and showing off new Lara goodies. Take a look at their Facebook gallery featuring a slew of excited TR fans! How does you launch haul hold up?

Planet Lara [Link] 

Planet Lara is running a contest across Facebook at Twitter for some lovely prints featuring art from Tomb Raider: The Beginning. You’ve got until April 30 to like and share to enter! More details here

Till next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 2/22/13

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Tomb Raider Fans [Link] 

The team over at Tomb Raider fans are running a competition in collaboration with Koch Media Spain, giving followers the chance to win one of five prize packs. Prize packs include:

  • Tomb Raider DLC x3: Explorer, Combat Strike, and Shanty Town)
  • Tomb Raider t-shirt
  • 10-track Original Soundtrack
  • Lara Croft Lithograph

First place also nabs a Tomb Raider branded jacket. The contest is open for all fans in Spain and running on the Tomb Raider Fans Facebook page, where you can read up on how to enter. The contest runs until March 4! 

Tomb Raider Insider [Link] 

Tomb Raider Insider has a new domain name, and a new design, so update your bookmarks! The webmasters also recently attended an exclusive event in Berlin, joined by the German voice of Lara Croft. Take a look for a recap and photos.  

Forum Pre-Order Thread Overhaul! [Link] 

We’re still adding pre-order incentives worldwide to our database on the forums. Remember to check it out if you’re not aware of what offers are available in your part of the world.

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 1/18/13
Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

TombRaider-Game.de  [Link]  

Tomb Raider Game has gone through a snazzy new redesign to ready up for the launch of Tomb Raider. I was asked to thank webmaster and “coding genius” Vandit in particular for his hard work on the website! Great job Vandit!

MaxRaider [Link]  
United States 

As a community ambassador at CES, Max did a whole lot of reporting on Tomb Raider the past week. Check out his CES coverage hub for impressions, videos, and more!

Until next time!

Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 12/28/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Croft Generation [Link

Croft Generation turned 11 years old this month, and held a little “solve the mystery” contest to celebrate. Congratulations to the winners, and to Croft Generation for so many years of service!

Max Raider [Link]  
United States

Maxraider.com underwent a massive redesign recently, which you can check outhere. Looking great to celebrate its two-year anniversary! Congrats Max!

Turning Point [Link]  

Webmaster Fear Effect worked hard at creating a cool community calendar for 2013. You can see the French version above, and download the English versionhere. Excellent design work Fear Effect!

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 11/24/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Lara Croft: The Raider [Link] 

Lara Croft: The Raider just underwent an impressive redesign by webmaster RinoTheBouncer. Check it out for a really cool multimedia experience!

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 9/28/12

 Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Tomb Raider Addict [Link] 

Tomb Raider Addict just refreshed the site with a brand-new design. Take a look!Lovely job TRA team!

AoD Caption Contest [Link
Official Forums 

The Angel of Darkness caption contest draws to a close tomorrow! Get in on the activity for a chance to win some cool prizes.

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 8/24/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Tomb Raider Center [Link]

Tomb Raider Center turns one next week! To mark the occasion, TRC is hosting a contest for Polish fans with some cool prizes on the line. In order to participate all you need to do is share your thoughts about the future of Tomb Raider – go crazy with your unique ideas for Lara next adventure! More rules and regulations here. The contest will conclude October 31.

The one-year anniversary also warranted a redesign of the site. Looking great guys!

Lara’s Generation [Link]

The fine folks at Lara’s Generation are acting Internet sleuths attempting to puzzle out some of the mythology behind the newest Tomb Raider!  While we can’t comment on if they are going the right direction (no spoilers!), their research is impressive! Take a look!

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 8/10/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Music of Tomb Raider [Link] 
New Zealand

It’s been a quiet week for the community, but Music of Tomb Raider keeps things interesting by analyzing the new Tomb Raider theme against the classic one. While we’ve confirmed on record that the new isn’t derived from the original, forum member Tomekkobialka contributed a notational analysis to further dispel the myth. As I’ve said before, though, I’m happy so many fans find the theme spiritually similar to the classic!

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 8/3/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Lara Daily [Link] 

Last week I mentioned that Lara Daily would be throwing a contest for digital content to celebrate turning four! The contest is now live – head on over!

Tombeau Croft [Link] 

Tombeau Croft redesigned its website recently, which you can see above. The French fansite is also coming up on its fifth anniversary in October, and plans to organize a big contest for the community!

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 7/27/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Lara Daily [Link]

Early next week Lara Daily turns four years old! Congratulations are in order for the webmaster, Conrado! I’ve given him a few Steam codes to throw a celebratory contest, so keep your eye on his website for more details. 

The Music of Tomb Raider [Link]
New Zealand

MoTR has gained a new contributor by the name of Tudor Tulok, who’s took it upon himself to reproduce Tomb Raider tunes with musical notations. Going entirely by ear, he’s done his darndest to reproduce the music in note form – quite an impressive talent. His first piece is a study of The Last Revelation’s “Gods.” Take a look!

Official Tomb Raider Forums [Link]

Don’t forget about “The Fabulous Destinations of Lara Croft” – our current official forum contest! You’ve got plenty of time to enter, but competition is impressive already. Get creative!  

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 7/6/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Stella’s Tomb Raider Site [Link] 
United States

Feral Interactive donated a pair Tomb Raider: Underworld for Mac codes to Stella, and she’s running a contest to give them away! The contest ends tomorrow, so if you’re looking to get in on the action, register to win now.

Official Tomb Raider Forums [Link] 

The forums have been abuzz with activity this week, including a comprehensive recap of E3 by Community Ambassador Chip! Check out his show tour (including photos!) here.

We also kicked off another forum contest today, featuring the fabulous travels of Lara Croft. Details and rules can be found here. Portal Lara’s Backpack was nice enough to translate the requirements into Portuguese!

Lastly, the sixth exclusive forum Q&A is underway! Get your questions in before July 20 to participate!

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 6/29/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Tomb Raider Game [Link] 

Vandit of TombRaider-Game.de was lucky enough to attend the recent press & community event in Germany, held on museum ship Cap San Diego! He shares his impressions and photos here.

It’s been a pretty quiet week in the community otherwise! Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 6/22/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Lara Croft Cosplay [Link] 
United States

LaraCroftCosplay.com is hosting a Lara costume contest, featuring prizes provided by the studio. You can find the rules for entry here. Good luck to all those who participate!

The Music of Tomb Raider [Link]
New Zealand

The Music of Tomb Raider turns one this week! To celebrate, webmaster Harry commissioned community member “VikingWasDead” to redesign the blog. The new coat of paint looks great – take a look!

World of Tomb Raider [Link] 

The World of Tomb Raider is hosting a contest that will help detail the history of the franchise, leading up to our new reboot. The staff is encouraging readers to send in memories related to specific Tomb Raider games, and will compile them into a final series of articles – one per game! A prize is even on the line for the best submission. More info here if you’d like to participate!

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 6/15/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

The Music of Tomb Raider [Link] 
New Zealand

The Music of Tomb Raider provides a play-by-play of clips from the Tomb Raider soundtrack, dug up from several demos showcased at E3 2012! 

LaraCroft.Name [Link]
United States 

E3 Community Ambassadors have begun to send over their coverage! In thiscomprehensive report, LaraCroft.name representative Lyubov breaks down her thoughts on the demo, and transcribes her interview with Senior Art Director Brian Horton. 

Planet Lara [Link] 

Planet Lara has also published some E3 coverage! A video interview with webmaster Dan and Karl Stewart can be found here

Croft Generation [Link] 

Sergio of Croft Generation pushed live his interview from E3 this morning, also with Senior Art Director Brian Horton. You can watch it here.

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 5/11/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Tomb Raider HU [Link]

Tomb Raiders HU redesigned their site this week, and I’m genuinely impressed by the sleek new look. Check it out! They’ve also opened a fanart section, so if you’re looking to share your Tomb Raider tributes with others, feel free to submit them here.

Ongoing - Official Forum Contest: Fanart “By Hand” [Link]

At this point you know the drill. Check out the awesome entries this week, and submit your own for a chance to win!

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 5/4/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

The Music of Tomb Raider [Link]
(New Zealand)

MoTR nabbed an exclusive interview with Tomb Raider classic composer Peter Connelly, in relation to his recent portfolio publication on SoundCloud. If you’re a fan of classic TR tunes, check it out! 

Ongoing - Official Forum Contest: Fanart “By Hand” [Link]

Yep, still going! Yep, still garnering awesome fanart! Take a gander at the impressive gallery of entries here! Better yet, submit your own art!

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 4/20/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Katie’s Tomb Raider Site [Link] 

This week Katie’s Tomb Raider Site turned 12 years old! Banking over a decade of service to the Tomb Raider fandom is a major accomplishment, and we appreciate her support throughout the years. Congratulations Katie!

Ongoing - Official Forum Contest: Fanart “By Hand” [Link]

The Fanart “By Hand” contest is still going strong. If you’ve yet to enter, get on it!

We’re excited to see what you come up with!

Until next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 4/13/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Tomb Raider Addict [Link] 

We’re celebrating another anniversary this week. Congratulations to Tomb Raider Addict, which turns two this weekend! It’s also the webmaster’s birthday, so let’s wish him well!  

Portal Lara’s Backpack [Link] 

Portal Lara’s Backpack has undergone a slight redesign, updating the background and the banner. Check out it’s fresh coat of paint!  

Official Forum Contest: Fanart “By Hand” [Link] 
This week we announced an epic now forum contest with an original piece of Tomb Raider art on the line. Take a look at the rules and start working on your own Croft craft right away!

Have a great weekend!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 4/6/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

LaraHCroft Blog [Link] 
(Czech Republic)

LaraHCroft Blog celebrates its fifth anniversary this week! Congratulations to webmaster Charlie, and a big thanks for five years of dedicated work!

Forum Q&A [Link]  
The exclusive forum Q&A ends Friday, April 13! If you haven’t submitted your questions at this point, get on it before it’s too late!

Tomb Raider Trivia #5 [Link]
The fifth Tomb Raider Trivia challenge also draws to a close next Friday! Do you know the answers to all three questions? 


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 3/16/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Stella’s Tomb Raider Cosplay Site [Link] 

Stella’s opened a new fansite to complement her already popular blog. As you would expect, Stella’s Tomb Raider Cosplay Site focuses on showcasing Croft cosplay galleries. It also offers up tutorials and tips on costume construction, location scouting, and cosplay news! Some cool prizes are up for grabs for fans that leave a comment on the welcome post, so let Stella know what they think of the new site! 

Don’t forget about the Easter-themed forum contest! Make your way over to theofficial forums and enter your image for a chance to win some geeky goods!

Till next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 3/2/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

PortalLB [Link]

PortalLB’s annual COTR contest is still underway, and now has prizes attached to each category! If you speak Portuguese and want to compete in one of the four areas for some swag, check the contest out! 

Tomb Raider Italia [Link] 

Tomb Raider Italia (recently inducted into the Official Fansite Program) joined Twitter this week! If you’re an Italian fan, make sure to give them a follow.

Lastly, don’t forget that we’re calling for questions via the official forums for oursecond exclusive Q&A session. Join today to make your voice heard!

Till next time! 


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 2/10/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

RaiderZone [Link]

RaidersZone joined the Twitterati this week – you can now keep up with the team by following @RZOficial. The fansite also introduced a new blog feature called “Endurance Memories.” These posts will summarize all weekly TR news in Spanish every Friday. Check the first entry out!  

In other news, AllGame: Tomb Raider has been added to the official fansite directory. Please help me in welcoming the new Italian fansite to the crew!

Lastly, don’t forget that the Tomb Raider Valentine’s Day contest is still underway on the official forums! Break out some cardstock and glitter (or load up Photoshop) and make an entry today!

Till next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 2/3/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Following the momentum from publishing our official fansite directory, two new international Tomb Raider destinations have joined the crew. I’d like to extend a warm welcome to Tomb Raiders GR and Lufik’s Tomb Raider Blog!

Additionally, we kicked off a new forum contest this week. To enter all you have to do is create a custom (and quirky) Tomb Raider Valentine’s Day card. On the line is an exclusive Tomb Raider North Face jacket, chocolates, and more. Take a look!

Till next time! 


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 1/27/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

On Wednesday we published our global Tomb Raider fansite directory. You can check it out here!

I’d like to welcome TombRaiderCN (China), LaraHCroft Blog (Czech Republic), andPolish Tomb Raider Center to the program. All three websites just joined up!

If you are interested in learning more about the Official Tomb Raider Fansite Program, shoot an email to community@crystald.com for information.

Till next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup:12/23/11

Hello everyone!

Tomb Raider is supported by a community of dedicated webmasters, admins, and moderators who help our franchise thrive. Many of these individuals have been committed to sharing news and media about Lady Lara for over a decade.

In order to keep fans up to date with the Tomb Raider community, I will begin compiling weekly (as content permits) updates of contests, milestones, and other activity from franchise fan sites.


Croft Generation [Link]

Croft Generation is celebrating its tenth anniversary this month! Congratulations to the team for ten years of dedicated service. To help celebrate, the site is offering up an adventure-themed contest where readers collect keys in order to unlock a prize. Participate in the adventure here!

TombRaiders.HU [Link]

If you’re a Hungarian fan, make sure to pop by TombRaiders.hu and check out their nifty holiday redesign. Additionally, the team is hosting a “Creativity Festival” in which they are asking for submissions of various Tomb Raider crafts. The last day to share your work is December 23rd, when they will close the call and post a montage of all the collected art!

TombRaiderGame.de [Link]

TombRaiderGame has recently been redesigned to match up with the new franchise vision. Check it out, it’s quite impressive! Also, the website is nearing the 2,000,000 visitor milestone. Congrats to the team!

Tomb Raider Level Editor [Link]

TRLE is celebrating its second anniversary and nearing the 70,000 visitor mark! Additionally, the team will be releasing new calendar images this week, and hints at a fresh look and features for the site in January. Take a look!

Lara Croft: The Raider [Link]

Lara Croft: The Raider has just relaunched with a new look and new name! The corresponding Facebook page also has undergone a rebanding, swapping “Tomb Raider One” for a simple and sleeker “The Raider.”

TombeauCroft.Net [Link]

The fantastic designers over at TombeauCroft just redesigned the website to fit with the new and darker theme of our game. Additionally, new monthly wallpapers are on their content roster. You can find the December one here.

TR Saga [Link]

Forum members of TR Saga are putting together a digital magazine for Tomb Raider fans, and are looking for bonus content! Not just TR content however. Currently the editors are calling for images of forum member’s pets to include in the publication! It’s a great way to connect the community through other common interests – cute animals. The magazine will be ready to download in January.

Tomb Raider Addict [Link]

Last but not least, take a gander at Tomb Raider Addict’s snowy new holiday theme!

Till next week!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 12/23/11

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

World Croft [Link]

In honor of World Croft’s fourth anniversary the team is hosting a contest with some exclusive goodies on the line! To participate you need to “like” the World Croft Facebook page and detail why you love Tomb Raider in the comments. The promotion ends on December 24, so get on it!

Tomb Raider World [Link]

The webmaster of Tomb Raider World is hosting a hidden image contest this week. The winner gets bragging rights with a special forum badge and title. The site has also been updated with a festive theme. Check it out! 

MaxRaider [Link]
MaxRaider turns one this month and recently underwent a redesign. Take a look! 

As always a big thank you goes out to the community for their support!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 1/6/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Croft Collection [Link]

To properly ring in the New Year Croft Collection has launched their annual “Lara’s Look-a-Like” calendar! The download includes 13 images, ready to print or adorn your desktop.

Portal Lara’s Backpack [Link] 

Portal Lara’s Backpack – a website born from a partnership between Lara’s Backpack and Portal Croft – updated their fan fiction section this week, in addition to kicking off a multifaceted competition with fun prizes on the line. Entries fall into unique categories including screenshots, fanfic, fanart, and level editing. Check out the details here. Best of luck should you choose to enter!  

Official Tomb Raider Forums [Link]

Don’t forget about the ongoing “Internet Meme” competition in the Official Tomb Raider forums! Just because you took an arrow to the knee doesn’t mean you can’t participate.


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 1/13/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

TR Saga [Link] 

TR Saga released a free fan magazine this week, featuring content from both the new and past Tomb Raider titles. Click the link for a direct download of the issue! 

Official Tomb Raider Forums [Link]

The Official Tomb Raider forums “internet meme” contest is still going strong! Get your entry in soon for a chance to win some super cools swag!

Have a nice weekend everyone! 


Tomb Raider Community Roundup: 1/20/12

Check out what’s going on in the community this week!

Music of Tomb Raider [Link] 
(New Zealand)

Music of Tomb Raider is kicking off a new project this week, attempting to uncover and catalogue rare Tomb Raider music offerings. These “Rarity” features describe the context of the clip, and why it is elusive in nature. The first blog takes a look atLegend’s Pre-E3 2005 trailer music. If you have an affinity for audio this blog is worth a follow.

Lara’s Backpack [Link] 

Lara’s Backpack just turned eight! Congratulations and thank you for many years of keeping Portuguese-speaking fans up-to-date on all things Tomb Raider. The webmaster promises some new articles and features are on the way, so check back soon. 

Tomb Raider World [Link] 

In a bit of sad news, Tomb Raider World officially shut down this week. The webmaster relayed the reason for the closure is to pursue an exciting new startup with friends! Best of luck Tiernan, and thanks for your support!

Till next time!


Tomb Raider Community Roundup

Hello everyone!

Tomb Raider is supported by a community of dedicated webmasters, admins, and moderators who help our franchise thrive. Many of these individuals have been committed to sharing news and media about Lady Lara for over a decade.

In order to keep fans up to date with the Tomb Raider community, I will begin compiling weekly (as content permits) updates of contests, milestones, and other activity from franchise fan sites.


Croft Generation [Link]

Croft Generation is celebrating its tenth anniversary this month! Congratulations to the team for ten years of dedicated service. To help celebrate, the site is offering up an adventure-themed contest where readers collect keys in order to unlock a prize. Participate in the adventure here!

TombRaiders.HU [Link]

If you’re a Hungarian fan, make sure to pop by TombRaiders.hu and check out their nifty holiday redesign. Additionally, the team is hosting a “Creativity Festival” in which they are asking for submissions of various Tomb Raider crafts. The last day to share your work is December 23rd, when they will close the call and post a montage of all the collected art!

TombRaiderGame.de [Link]

TombRaiderGame has recently been redesigned to match up with the new franchise vision. Check it out, it’s quite impressive! Also, the website is nearing the 2,000,000 visitor milestone. Congrats to the team!

Tomb Raider Level Editor [Link]

TRLE is celebrating its second anniversary and nearing the 70,000 visitor mark! Additionally, the team will be releasing new calendar images this week, and hints at a fresh look and features for the site in January. Take a look!

Lara Croft: The Raider [Link]

Lara Croft: The Raider has just relaunched with a new look and new name! The corresponding Facebook page also has undergone a rebanding, swapping “Tomb Raider One” for a simple and sleeker “The Raider.”

TombeauCroft.Net [Link]

The fantastic designers over at TombeauCroft just redesigned the website to fit with the new and darker theme of our game. Additionally, new monthly wallpapers are on their content roster. You can find the December one here.

TR Saga [Link]

Forum members of TR Saga are putting together a digital magazine for Tomb Raider fans, and are looking for bonus content! Not just TR content however. Currently the editors are calling for images of forum member’s pets to include in the publication! It’s a great way to connect the community through other common interests – cute animals. The magazine will be ready to download in January.

Tomb Raider Addict [Link]

Last but not least, take a gander at Tomb Raider Addict’s snowy new holiday theme!

Till next week!

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