2014年7月17日发布《古墓丽影5:历代记》无条件竞速(any% Run)通关视频,完成时间01:14:04。
原视频网址: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FdBd-FZlu0(发布者:xRikux89)
Lost a ton of time at the Coliseum. Not much else to say. Again, I have infinite meds using the underflow bug. No cheats used.
I have to save and load the game upon reaching Race for the Iris, or the game will crash at the elevator scene. It will happen even if you play the level normally. I suppose playtesters never played the level up to that point without dying, so they never noticed the crash issue.
I should be able to hit 1:12:xx eventually. -- www.twitch.tv/xrikux89/c/4686383&utm-_campaign=archive_export&utm_source=-xrikux89&utm_medium=youtube